6.6 Promotion: Any employee in the bargaining unit receiving a promotion under the provisions of this Agreement shall be moved to the appropriate range, retain the employee's current step, and shall be no lower than a five percent (5%) increase. 6.7 Mileage: Any employee in the unit required to use his/her vehicle on Agency business shall be reimbursed at the IRS standard mileage rate for all miles driven on behalf of the Agency. A unit member's vehicle shall not be used for Agency business without the prior written approval of the unit member's immediate supervisor. 6.8 Meals: Any employee in the unit, who as a result of a field trip work assignment of five (5) consecutive hours or more, shall be reimbursed by the Agency for the full cost of the meal ($15.00 maximum), except as provided in Article “Field Trips”, of this Agreement. 6.9 Lodging: Any employee in the unit, who as a result of a work assignment, must be lodged away from home overnight shall be reimbursed by the Agency for the full cost of such lodging. Where possible, the Agency shall provide advance funds to the employee for such lodging. 6.10 Longevity: The Agency agrees to additionally compensate long serving employees in accordance with Appendix A, attached hereto. Increases shall begin at the beginning of the 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th and 35th year. The longevity steps shall be five percent (5%). 6.11 Compensation During Required Training Periods: An employee who is required to attend training sessions or otherwise engage in training of any kind in order to continue his/her employment in a position shall receive compensation as follows: 6.11.2 When the employee’s regularly assigned hours and the hours of training combined total in excess of eight (8) hours on a regularly assigned workday, or when the training occurs at any time other than the regularly assigned work week, the employee shall be paid at the overtime rate appropriate for the day and the time the training occurs. The overtime rate shall be based on the employee's regular rate of pay. A unit member shall not accrue overtime as a result of training unless the overtime for training is approved in advance by the unit member's immediate supervisor. 6.11.3 A unit member who fails to access the Agency-provided training will be responsible for updating their certificate and T-01 hours at their own expense. 6.11.4 All time on T-02 card shall indicate paid or unpaid. 6.11.7 All T-01 training shall be posted on the training bulletin board at the Main Yard at the beginning of each school year. If additional mandatory training is required, the Agency shall update the posted T-01 trainings on the bulletin board and notify all drivers in writing, including any drivers on a leave (paid or unpaid) of any T-01 training. It is the driver’s responsibility to keep T-01 hours current and be aware of posted training availability. 6.12 Compensation for an Employee Working Out of Classification: An employee shall not be required by the Agency to perform duties not fixed and prescribed by his/her classifications or duties which are not reasonably related to those fixed and prescribed for his/her classification which exceeds four (4) working days within a period of fifteen (15) calendar days. 6.12.1 On the fifth (5 th ) day, the employee shall have his/her salary adjusted upward for the entire period he/she is required to work in a higher classification. 6.11.1 When the training occurs during the employee's regularly assigned working hours, the employee shall be paid at his/her regular rate of pay and shall receive all benefits to which he/she is entitled. 6.11.5 T-01 time shall be calculated from birthday to birthday per Education Code section 40085. 6.11.6 Additional T-01 training will be offered during Spring Break and Winter Break.

6.12.2 The employee shall receive the regular rate of pay for the higher classification at the step on which


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