
Mechanics Pay/Requirements:

Night shift mechanics shall receive a 5% shift differential. (Add to Appendix A)

Mechanic III's and/or Lead Mechanics must have a Class A or Class B license on or before January 1, 2020.

6.3.1 Current Mechanic III's and Lead Mechanics are not to be required to have a Class A or Class B license.

6.3.2 Current Mechanic III's who promote to a Lead Mechanic position will be required to have Class A or Class B license.

6.3.3 Mechanics may promote to Mechanic III and/or Lead Mechanic without a Class A or Class B license, prior to January 1, 2020, but must receive a Class A or Class B license on or before January 1, 2020, to maintain promoted position. Mechanics promoted to Mechanic III and/or Lead Mechanic position prior to January 1, 2020, must attain Class A or Class B license prior to the conclusion of the promoted probationary period. 6.3.4 New employees hired as Mechanic III's and/or Lead Mechanics must have a Class A or Class B license prior to the end of their probationary period. Failure of new employees hired as Mechanic III's and/or Lead Mechanics to attain a Class A or Class B license is ground for termination as a probationary employee. The CEO may grant reasonable extensions to probationary employees to attain a Class A or Class B license for extenuating circumstances. 6.3.5 Mechanics and servicers shall not suffer a loss such as being demoted, terminated, or ineligible for promotion, due to the Department of Motor Vehicles finding the unit member medically ineligible for a Class A or Class B license. 6.3.6 Physical Examination and Renewal Fees. The Agency shall provide any required medical examination and reimbursement for renewal fees and licensing costs to the same extent as provided other unit members, per Article 8, Employee Expenses and Materials, sections 8.2, Physical Examinations, and 8.3, Renewal. Upon mutual agreement between the Agency and the Mechanic, the Agency shall send Mechanic(s) to training at an approved facility. In such a circumstance, the Agency will pay for the full cost of the commercial licensing and training. 6.3.8 If the training at the approved facility is offered during the employee's normal work day, the employee shall be released to attend the training. If the training happens outside the employee's normal hours the employee shall be paid at the appropriate rate of pay. 6.4 Step Placement: Unit members who have completed one (1) year of service with the Agency shall be placed on the next higher step on the first day of the month following the anniversary date and shall continue thereafter until the unit member reaches the maximum step. 6.5 Payroll Errors and Lost Checks: Any payroll errors resulting in insufficient payment or paycheck for an employee lost after receipt shall be corrected and a supplemental check issued, no later than five (5) working days after the employee provides notice to the payroll department. 6.5.1 When a payroll error resulting in overpayment to the employee occurs, the employee will repay the Agency the overpayment. A reasonable repayment plan, consistent with the law, will be established between the Agency and the employee. The Agency shall not deduct money from a subsequent paycheck to the employee without first obtaining the employee’s written agreement. The employee, including union representation if desired by employee, may request a meeting with Agency management prior to reaching such an agreement. 6.3.7


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