J. ROAD TEST 1. When road testing a bus, personnel must adhere to all school bus traffic laws. 2. Mechanics must inform shop office of intended route and estimated time. 3. Mechanics must notify the shop office when leaving and returning. K. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 1. PPM’s (chassis inspections) should be completed within 2 hours. Additional time should be added for additional services required by the work order. Items noticed during PPM’s, such as alignments or suspension issues, shall be noted on the inspection sheet for a new work order to be generated. 2. PM’s (annual inspections) should be completed within 4 hours. Additional time may be added for additional services. Items noticed during PM’s, such as alignments or suspension issues, shall be noted on the inspection sheet for a new work order to be generated. L. BREAKDOWN/ROADCALL PROCEDURES When assigned a road call, employee must understand that road calls are time sensitive and shall respond promptly. 1. Before leaving the yard, personnel must contact the proper dispatch by radio. 2. If at all possible disabled vehicle should be moved as far off the main traveled portion of the roadway as is safe and practical. If vehicle cannot be moved off roadway and is in a position to obstruct traffic or be a hazard, emergency reflectors shall be placed in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 25300. 3. When possible shop truck should be parked behind disabled vehicle with hazards, emergency lights on and keys removed. 4. All used materials need to be replenished in the support vehicles upon return. 5. All support vehicles when returning to the yard must be refueled if less than half full. M. RESPONDING TO ACCIDENTS No photographs of an accident or an accident scene shall be taken unless specifically instructed by Safety and Training. Mechanics will be requested by Safety and Training when required. Safety and Training representative is the designated agency incident commander on scene. Mechanic must report to them. No discussion of the accident in any form, cause of accident or contributing factors, shall take place with anyone other than the incident commander on scene. N. ABSENCES / LEAVE Attendance by employees is a vital factor in the continued success of the Agency. There are times when absences are unavoidable, but employees shall make every effort possible to address their responsibilities through their attendance. Excessive absenteeism causes a loss of effectiveness in the overall operation, a degeneration of morale of fellow employees. 1. If an absence is anticipated, the employee must contact a Supervisor no less than one (1) hour before start of assigned shift. 2. Vacation request forms shall be submitted using the Request for Leave Form, no less than 10 days prior to date of leave.

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