O. INJURY ON THE JOB An employee who has sustained a job-related injury or illness shall report the injury to the immediate supervisor (and the Human Resources Administrator) on the Employee Injury Form located on the Employee Portal no later than the next scheduled workday following the accident or as soon as possible. P. TIME KEEPING All payroll computation is made using employee timesheets and time clock entry. All employees are responsible for clocking in and out at the beginning and end of each shift and breaks. Failure to do so may result in a delay of the appropriate payroll amount. The employee is expected to completely and accurately log daily activities on their timesheet. Q. TOOLS It is expected that tools are kept clean, organized and stored in the correct location when not in use. 1. Specialty shop tools or tools borrowed from other tool boxes must be returned to their proper storage area after use. Rechargeable tools and laptops must be fully charged after use to insure availability to other mechanics. 2. Specialty shop or regular tools that are found broken or worn must be brought to the Director of Fleet and Facilities attention for repair or replacement. R. SCHEDULES Shop employee’s breaks are fifteen (15) minutes and lunch breaks are thirty (30) minutes or sixty (60) minutes in length as agreed upon with the Director of Fleet and Facilities and Fleet Supervisor. Every effort should be made to adhere to the posted schedule; employees must notify shop office if they are not able to adhere to the posted schedule. S. OVERTIME Overtime for Shop, Trips, and On-Call will be assigned by their respective rotation lists as required by the CBA. Rotation list will be posted on shop bulletin board. Overtime needed at the end of shift must be approved (per CBA T. PARTS/INVENTORY Parts used must be accounted for with proper agency part number to keep inventory accurate. Restocking list, Parts Requests and Work Orders must be detailed and filled out properly. Parts clerk shall be notified if employee notices incorrect or missing stock. U. CHILD CHECK SYSTEM Child Check systems must not be disabled at any time. If repairs are made to the Child Check System, the system must be verified as operational before returning the bus to service. All Child Check repairs must be made on a Child Check Work order for reporting requirements. V. SHOP ELECTRICAL POWER LOSS Power is required to maintain air pressure in the fire suppression system to avoid the system charging with water. In the event that the shop loses power, it is required to maintain air pressure in the fire suppression system. It is advisable to connect a bus air system to supplement the fire suppression system until the power resumes.

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Revised 8/14/2024

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