Chaparral Women's Golf Club 2023 - 2024
H. Term of office for elected officers shall be one year. They may be re-elected to the same office but may not serve more than two consecutive years in the same office. Amendment shall allow an officer to remain for a third year only when she was elected in a President’s mid -term to fill a vacant office. If that officer would like to be re- elected to the following President’s Board, she should have the option to fulfill that President’s two -year term in the same office. ARTICLE V ELECTIONS: Elections shall be held at the March general meeting. A. A nominating committee shall be selected in February in the following manner: 1. The President shall appoint one member to serve as chairman. The two immediate past presidents and two members to be selected by the general membership shall complete the committee. B. The Secretary shall post the slate of Officers on the bulletin board one week before the March general meeting and prepare ballots for election. A voice vote may be called for instead of written ballots, if appropriate. C. Members must be present to vote. No vote shall be accepted by mail. A. The entire membership shall equally enjoy and will be subject to all the rights, privileges and obligations of the Chaparral Women's Golf Club as well as the benefits and obligations of the Chaparral Country Club. B. Members shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Club. C . Members have the responsibility to: (1) safeguard and promote the interests and welfare of Chaparral Women's Golf Club and its members; and (2) preserve and respect the privileges of Chaparral Country Club. D. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. ARTICLE VII DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN: A. President - The President shall: 1. preside over all meetings 2. appoint Committee Chairmen with the approval of the Executive Board 3. call special meetings as warranted 4. work to promote friendship and unity among the members. B. Tournament Chairman - The Tournament Chairman shall: 1. conduct weekly and special events as the Executive Board shall designate. 2. submit a Calendar of Events to the Board as well as to the Chaparral Country Club Board of Directors for approval and coordination. D. Installation will be held at the April general meeting. ARTICLE VI RIGHTS AND DUTIES: General Membership
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