Chaparral Women's Golf Club 2023 - 2024
Animated publication
Women’s Golf Club 2023 - 2024
100 Chaparral Drive, Palm Desert, California 92260
Clubhouse (760) 340-1893
Pro Shop (760) 340-1893 x 108
CWGC……Then and Now Early in 1982, thirty- six ladies came together to create Chaparral Women’s Golf Club. Betsy Ross became the first President; other charter members included Helen (Ousman) Friedrich, Janet Lewis, Betsy Schadrack, and Vera Kitchen. CWGC members were both Chaparral residents and non-residents, and their annual dues were $45. The Past Presidents’ Tournament trophy, that we still use today, was donated by Betsy Ross’s husband. That trophy’s last name plate was filled by the 2020 tournament winner. In June of 1982, CWGC became a part of The Western American Golf Association; it provided our handicaps and monthly golf events including local Team Play. As our club grew in membership, we chose to join the Women’s Southern California Golf Association. WSCGA provided our handicaps and supported women’s golf in Southern California. WSCGA also hosted tournaments and utilized its Foundation to provide college scholarships for female high school golf team members. When WSCGA unified with the Southern California Golf Association in 2017, SCGA took over our handicapping services. Through SCGA Junior, CWGC will continue to help fund scholarships for young female golfers.
Executive Board
President Treasurer Secretary
Dorie Pannette Betty Miller Judy Watson
360-219-3437 360-927-1905 909-573-6411
Barbara McNeilly 714-642-5457 Beverly Gallacher 760-568-0822
Kathleen Brown
Standing Board
Karin Kovach
Debi McCourt
Patti Rosol
Big Sister
Dawn Potter
Bonnie Heri
Birdies & Chip-Ins
Vicki Shuler
Courtesy & Hospitality
LaVona Goforth
Gretchen Chamberlain
Golf Liaison
Joyce Brown
Kit Sargent
Nancy Brown
Karen Brown
Margy Schaefer
Championship Party
Margy Schaefer
Sandy Britt
Ellen Glaser
Kathy McIntosh
Summer Play
Sue Krenwinkel
Gloria McBride
Jane Faul
Team Play
Betty Miller
Judy Watson
Guest Day/Special Events Chairpersons
December Guest Day
Sharon Gries Donna Kyle Marti Ayers
847-922-5403 574-360-1113 541-604-9428
February Guest Day
Bev Gallacher Bonnie Heri
714-642-5457 714-856-3523
April Guest Day
Dawn Potter Karen Brown
951-285-3599 714-264-2552
Pro AM
Kathy Schneider
Spring Classic
Donna Kyle
574-360-1113 248-302-8999
Kathy Schneider
Horse Race
Margy Schaefer
Betsy Ross ........................................................................................... 1982-84
Helen Friedrich ..................................................................................... 1984-86
Janet Lewis .......................................................................................... 1986-87
Betsy Schadrack ................................................................................... 1987-89
Wanda Hageman.................................................................................. 1989-90
Dorothy Lindstrom................................................................................ 1990-91
Dorcas Revelli ...................................................................................... 1991-93
Marie Regin.......................................................................................... 1993-94
Betty Vetorino ...................................................................................... 1994-95
Joyce Gannon ...................................................................................... 1995-97
Carri Roy ............................................................................................. 1997-99
Donna Franklin ..................................................................................... 1999-01
Peggy Bowman .................................................................................... 2001-03
Jane Hodge.......................................................................................... 2003-05
Jonne Swan ......................................................................................... 2005-07
Barbara Wolff....................................................................................... 2007-09
Kathy Schneider ................................................................................... 2009-11
Bernadette Paradis ............................................................................... 2011-13
Hillary Stone ....................................................................................... 2013-15
Linda McCoy ........................................................................................ 2015-17
Sharon Walsh....................................................................................... 2017-19
Joyce Brown ........................................................................................ 2019-21
Karin Kovach ........................................................................................ 2021-23
Ellen Smead
Arlene Fox
1984, 1985
Virginia Pierce
1987, 1988
Pat Thompson
Virginia Pierce
Betsy Schadrack
1993, 1995-96, 1999
Janet Lewis
Del Stadell
Georgia Rowe
Anita Painchaud
Karen Leonard
1986, 2007-08, 2011
Kathy Schneider
2009, 2012-14, 2016
Joan Parkin
Dorie Pannette
2010, 2017
Bev Gallacher
Dorie Pannette
2019, 2021, 2022
Lorri Martindale
CHAPARRAL WOMEN'S GOLF CLUB PLAY DAY CALENDAR 2023-24 Birdies and Ringers Count Every Day We Post T= Tournament Play: post as a Tournament Score
Unless otherwise announced, Thursday Play Day Start Times: Shotgun start: November - March, 8:30 AM / April, 8:00 AM / May, 7:30 AM
Regular Best Ball Scramble (ABCD) Meeting Day
16 Turkey Shoot 18 (Sat.) Team at Sunrise 23 Thanksgiving Day – No Play 30 Par Points / Stableford DECEMBER 2023 1 (Fri.)Team Play @ Marrakesh 7 14 Guest Day – No Frills 21 Stroke Play (Christmas Break) 28 Stroke Play (Christmas Break) JANUARY 2024 4 Shamble (ABCD) Meeting Day 9 (Tues.)Team Play @ Oasis 11 Nassau 18 Cha Cha Cha (ABCD) 18 Team Play at Palm Desert Greens 24 Desert Exchange @ Seven Lakes 25 Pro Am 31 Team Play at Seven Lakes
Silver Bells (silver tees) (ABCD) Meeting Day
FEBRUARY 2024 1 Odd/Even Scramble (A&B tee odds; C&D tee evens) Meeting Day 2 Desert Exchange @ Oasis 8 Guest Day 12 (Mon.)Member/Member Day 1 ( afternoon ) 15 Member/Member Day 2 – Eclectic 20 (Tues.)Past Presidents’ Tournament 22 Scramble with 9’ers – No Frills 28 Horserace & Pairing Party ( afternoon ) 29 Spring Classic Day 1 – Best Ball
MARCH 2024 7
Spring Classic Day 2 – 2 Person Scramble Meeting Day
12 (Tues.) Club Championship (Tee Times) 14 Club Championship (Tee Times) 15 (Fri.) Club Championship (Tee Times) 21 Sixes – Tee times on back 9 – lunch on your own (ABCD) 28 Foundation Tournament (net winning on plaque) APRIL 2024 4 Drop Out Scramble (ABCD) Meeting Day/Awards/Installation 11 Guest Day 18 Mutt and Jeff 25 O.N.E.S. MAY 2024 2 2 Best Balls of Four (ABCD) Meeting Day 9 3 Clubs and a Putter (cannot post score) 16 Even Holes 23 Roll of the Dice (ABCD) 2 BB + deduction from die 30 Sayonara L AST D AY OF R EGULAR S EASON
EB/SB at 9 am
Following Lunch
Nov. 06, 2023
Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023
Dec. 04, 2023
Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023
Jan. 29, 2024
Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024
Mar. 04, 2024
Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024
April 01, 2024
Thursday, Mar. 7, 2024
April 29, 2024
Thursday, Apr. 4, 2024
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Unless otherwise clearly stated in the day’s tournament rules, all foursomes on Thursday play days will be created using a blind draw determined by the computer/Pros in the Pro Shop. Players may not select their own partners, request the Pro Shop reorganize their team, nor may they leave a team to play with another. Doing so will result in a disqualification of the offending player(s) from any tournament awards or recognition on that play date.
A POP is the handicap allotted for the player at specific hole numbers. It is used at a deduction when determining net scores.
BEST BALL - (stroke play) At completion of each hole, compare the scores less any pops allotted for the hole and record the lowest net score as the team score. Payout: Team low Net. TWOSOME - take the ONE better net score of the pair ONE BEST BALL OF FOURSOME TWO BEST BALLS OF FOURSOME - add these two scores together for the team score. BLIND NINE - (stroke play) The pro shop will secretly select the holes and only reveal them after all players have come in from the course. Payout: Individual low Gross and low Net using pops how they fall on scorecard for those holes. BLIND PARTNERS: (stroke play). Play a regular round of golf. These people may not be your actual partner. At the end of the round, the pro shop will draw partners at random. Payout: Pairs low gross and net using pops as they appear on the scorecard. DROP OUT SCRAMBLE - (scramble) Everyone drives. The person whose drive is selected, may not play the next shot. Whosever’s next shot is selected, may not play the next shot. Continue this pattern until the ball is holed out. Handicap is 10% of combined individual handicaps. Payout - Team low net. ECLECTIC - (Stroke play) This is a two-day event. The first day is stroke play. Gross score is posted on the scorecard. The second day, only the improved score (hole by hole) is posted. Pick up if no improvement is made. Payout: Individual low gross and Low Net. EVEN OR ODD NINE - (stroke play) Total the even holes or the odd holes, whichever has been specified for that day. Deduct only the number of pops that appear on those holes on your scorecard. Payout: Individual low Gross and low Net. HO, HO, HO - (stroke play) Each player is assigned a Christmas symbol. Whatever Christmas symbols appear at each hole, those are the net scores recorded for the team. Use the pops as they fall on the scorecard to determine net scores. Payout - Team low Net.
LUCK OF THE ROLL - (scramble) - Play a regular scramble. Upon finishing the hole, write this score on the first line of your scorecard. • Roll the die. o If the die lands on a 1, or 2, write that number on line 2 ▪ Subtract line 2 from line 1 and write the difference on line 3 o If the die lands on a 3, 4, 5, , write a “0” on line 2. ▪ You receive no deductions for a 3, 4, or 5. o If the die lands on a 6, re-roll the die. The total score from line 3 will be your team “net” score. Payout: Team low net. MUTT & JEFF - (stroke play). Use the 5 longest holes and the 4 shortest holes on the course. Payout: Individual low Gross and low Net using pops how they fall on scorecard for those holes. NASSAU TOURNAMENT - (stroke play). This is similar to the handicap stroke play, but for individual play, the handicap strokes are taken hole-by-hole as they fall on the card and prizes are awarded for the best first nine, the best second nine, and the best 18 holes. Payout: Either Individual low Gross and low Net for: front 9 holes, back 9 holes, and all 18 holes. Or team (A,B, C, D format) low gross and net for front 9, back 9, and all 18 holes. ODD-EVEN: (stroke play). Partners decide before play whose net score will count on the odd holes and whose net score will count on the even holes. Use pops as they appear on the scorecard. Payout: By teams of two low net. O.N.E.S, - (stroke play). Use scores from all holes starting with O.N.E. or S: (1, 6,7,8,9,11,16,17,18) Payout: Individual Gross & Net using pops how they fall on scorecard for those holes. PAR POINTS/STABLEFORD - (stroke play). Individual stroke play based on points awarded for each hole using the following chart: One point for Bogey, Two points for Par, Three points for Birdie, Four points for Eagle, Five points for Double Eagle. Subtract the pops allotted at each hole to determine the par points earned. Payout: Individual low net. PINK BALL: (stroke play). Each team of four receives a pink ball that will be rotated among players. Player 1 uses it on the first hole, player 2 on the second, and so on. Take two net scores on each hole - one must be the net pink ball; the other is the best net ball. If the pink ball is lost, replace it. Be sure to count all penalty shots, but do not lose rotation within the team. Use pops as they appear on the scorecard. Payout: Team low net. RAZZLE-DAZZLE: (changes every 6 holes) In 2-person teams, play the first six holes using the best ball, the next six holes will be a 2-man scramble, the last six holes will be played using alternate shots. Handicaps will be 65% for low handicaps and 35% for high. Payout: 2-person Team Low Gross and Low Net.
SCRAMBLE - (scramble). Each player tees off. Select the best positioned ball of the foursome and the other three players will move their balls to that location. This procedure will continue until the ball is holed out. Handicap is 10% of team total handicap. Payout: Team low Score. SHAMBLE - (best ball) At the start of each hole, all the players on a team tee off. After each member of the team hits a shot, the team decides which of the shots hit was the best . From the spot of the best shot, all of the team members will once again each hit a shot. From there, each player will play their own ball into the hole. The team score can be one, two, or three individual scores. Handicap is 70% of individual’s handicap. Payout - Team low Score. SIXES: (stroke play). Foursomes play as a team. Use pops as they appear on the scorecard. For the first six holes, count one best ball. For the middle six, count two best balls. For the final six, count three best balls and add up the total. Payout: Team low net. STRING: (scramble). A regular best ball scramble format with the exception of the following: Provide each team with a length of string and a pair of scissors. The string is used to sink a putt without adding to the stroke count. The team must measure the distance from the ball to the hole, cut off and discard that length of string. Handicap is 10% of combined team handicap. Payout: Team low net.
S & T – (stroke play). Use scores from all holes starting with S or T: (2,3,6,7,10, 12,13,16,17 ) Payout: Individual low Gross & Net using pops how they fall on scorecard for those holes.
STROKE PLAY – (stroke play). Each player keeps track of actual strokes taken per hole. Payout: Individual low Gross and low Net using full handicap.
SUB PAR/SAYONARA - (stroke play). Drop three worst holes. Use pops as they appear on the scorecard. Payout: Individual low Gross and low Net.
THREE CLUBS AND A PUTTER - INDIVIDUAL - (stroke play - not postable) Before start of game, each player selects only 3 clubs plus a putter. These are the only clubs carried in the bag. Play a regular round of golf only using these clubs. You may not borrow another player’s club. Payout - Individual low Gross and low Net. THREE CLUBS AND A PUTTER SCRAMBLE - (scramble) Before start of game, each player selects only 3 clubs plus a putter. These are the only clubs carried in the bag. Complete a standard scramble using only the clubs in your bag. You may not borrow another player’s club. Handicap will be 30 % of the team’s total handicap. Payout - Team low Score.
TOTAL PUTTS: (stroke play). The player with the fewest putts over a round wins. First cut of the fringe counts. Payout: Individual with least number of putts. No handicaps.
TURKEY SHOOT - (stroke play). Payout: Individual Gross and Net. Gift cards are awarded.
UNO DOS TRES/WALTZ/CHA-CHA-CHA - (stroke play). Pro Shop creates foursomes. On the first hole select ONE best score. On the second hole, select TWO best scores. On the third hole, select THREE best scores of the foursome. Subtract the pops allotted at each hole to determine the scores that are used. Repeat. Payout: Team low net. USGA GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM In January 2020, the World Handicap System was adopted by all golf organizations worldwide to standardize players handicaps. All players worldwide now have a maximum index of 54 and all indexes convert to a course handicap or playing handicap for each course, tees, and event. The Equitable Stroke Control procedure was replaced by the Net Double Bogey for POSTING the maximum allowable score on a hole. The purpose is to reduce high scores on individual holes and prevents players from manipulating their handicap indexes by disguising their true golfing ability. Par for the hole plus 2 (double bogey) plus the number of handicap strokes you are allowed for that hole based on your handicap. Example: Par 3 plus 2 (double bogey) plus your strokes (0, 1, 2, 3) is 5, 6, 7, or 8 max Example: Par 4 plus 2 (double bogey) plus your strokes (0, 1, 2, 3) is 6, 7, 8, or 9 max Always put your actual score in the box on the scorecard then adjust before posting (reducing your actual score by the number of strokes over your max on any hole). If you are unsure of your strokes, post your actual score hole by hole in the computer and it will adjust for you and post the correct score for posting purposes. If you pick up and fail to complete a hole you must put an X by that score on your scorecard. Remember if you pick up on a playday you become ineligible for payouts. If you are in an event where your score will not be used and you do not putt out to save time, use your most likely score which is your current number of strokes plus the number of strokes you believe it will take you to complete the hole. Example: you are at 4 and it would most likely take you 3 more strokes to finish your score would be 7. If you played at least 14 holes but cannot complete the round, you post “Net par” for any additional holes not played. “Net Par” is the par for the hole plus whatever your handicap strokes are for that hole. In a stroke play tournament, players must complete all holes with an actual score or be disqualified. REMINDER: Be sure to adjust, date, sign, and have scorecard attested before entering into the computer and dropping into appropriate box. MAXIMUM NUMBER TO BE POSTED
ARTICLE I NAME: The name of this organization shall be known as the Chaparral Women's Golf Club. ARTICLE II PURPOSE: The purpose of this group shall be to promote the advancement of women's golf in accordance with the rules of golf adopted by the USGA. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP A. Membership Eligibility: The members of Chaparral Women's Golf Club shall be women in good standing with Chaparral Country Club, Inc. They may be homeowner golf members, designees of a golf member homeowner, close family member designees, non-resident members, or renters. Members who have sold their homes and have paid their full initiation fee may retain their golf membership provided they continue to pay their annual dues without interruption. Renters with a seasonal package are eligible to participate in all Thursday Play Days and Guest Days as members, but have no voting rights, may not hold a CWGC office, participate in Executive Team Play or the Club Championship. In compliance with the World Handicap System effective January 2020, the maximum index of 54 would play to a handicap of 38 for all CWGC 18-hole member events. B. New Member Eligibility for CWGC Applications for new members are available from the CWGC Membership Chair, any Executive Board member, in the Country Club office or in the Pro Shop. 1. A woman with a current handicap from another golf course becomes a CWGC member when she turns in a completed Membership Application and has CWGC annual dues billed to her Country Club account. 2. A woman without an established current handicap becomes a CWGC member when a completed Membership Application, accompanied by signed and attested score cards of 54 holes played at Chaparral Country Club is submitted to the membership chair and her annual dues have been billed to her Country Club account. The handicap chair will enroll her in the World Handicap System (USGA admin portal) to establish a GHIN number and enter her scores to begin establishing her index for her handicap. C. Annual Dues Assessments: Chaparral Country Club does its annual billing for CWGC membership on October 31. Dues are billed to the member’s Country Club account, are non-refundable and may not be prorated. Although the CWGC official golf season extends from November 1 through May 31, dues are assessed on an annual basis, including dues for handicap.
When a CWGC dues increase is deemed necessary, an increase for full members and associates (handicap only members) shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and determined by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting. However, a vote of the membership is not required when the SCGA or any other membership handicapping organization that replaces it, increases the handicap dues. All full members and associates will automatically be assessed the identical increase. D. Changes in Golf Membership Status When a member wishes to change her status, she must notify the CWGC Membership Chairman in writing before October 1 to avoid being charged for the following year’s annual dues. An easy to use Change of Status Form (that allows a member to check the appropriate box) is available in the Pro Shop or the Country Club office. ARTICLE IV BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board and the Standing Committee Chairmen. They shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, funds, and property of this organization. A. Executive Board - The officers who are elected at the annual meeting in March shall form the Executive Board. They are the President, Tournament Chairman, Membership Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Handicap Chairman. Following installation, the Executive Board shall appoint a 1 st Vice President and a 2 nd Vice President. B. Standing Committee Chairmen - Those members who have been appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board chair the Standing Committees. C. Special Committees may be appointed by the President for such purposes as may arise. They shall be discharged by the President at the expiration of the performance and responsibility for which they were created. D. A member of the Board of Directors who is absent 3 times without valid reason or who has not performed her duties satisfactorily may be removed from her office or chairmanship by a vote of the Executive Board. Vacancies may be filled by appointment of the President. E. The President shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. F. The immediate Past President shall act as advisor and member of the Board of Directors but shall not vote except to break a tie. G. There shall be at least six meetings of the Board of Directors during the year. Members must have notice of the regular or specially called meetings. Notice may be posted on the Club Bulletin Board. Any seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
H. Term of office for elected officers shall be one year. They may be re-elected to the same office but may not serve more than two consecutive years in the same office. Amendment shall allow an officer to remain for a third year only when she was elected in a President’s mid -term to fill a vacant office. If that officer would like to be re- elected to the following President’s Board, she should have the option to fulfill that President’s two -year term in the same office. ARTICLE V ELECTIONS: Elections shall be held at the March general meeting. A. A nominating committee shall be selected in February in the following manner: 1. The President shall appoint one member to serve as chairman. The two immediate past presidents and two members to be selected by the general membership shall complete the committee. B. The Secretary shall post the slate of Officers on the bulletin board one week before the March general meeting and prepare ballots for election. A voice vote may be called for instead of written ballots, if appropriate. C. Members must be present to vote. No vote shall be accepted by mail. A. The entire membership shall equally enjoy and will be subject to all the rights, privileges and obligations of the Chaparral Women's Golf Club as well as the benefits and obligations of the Chaparral Country Club. B. Members shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Club. C . Members have the responsibility to: (1) safeguard and promote the interests and welfare of Chaparral Women's Golf Club and its members; and (2) preserve and respect the privileges of Chaparral Country Club. D. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. ARTICLE VII DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN: A. President - The President shall: 1. preside over all meetings 2. appoint Committee Chairmen with the approval of the Executive Board 3. call special meetings as warranted 4. work to promote friendship and unity among the members. B. Tournament Chairman - The Tournament Chairman shall: 1. conduct weekly and special events as the Executive Board shall designate. 2. submit a Calendar of Events to the Board as well as to the Chaparral Country Club Board of Directors for approval and coordination. D. Installation will be held at the April general meeting. ARTICLE VI RIGHTS AND DUTIES: General Membership
C. Membership Chairman - The Membership Chairman shall: 1. be responsible for obtaining names of new Country Club members and inviting them to join Chaparral Women's Golf Club. 2. introduce new members at general meetings. 3. organize new member breakfast. 4. have the membership roster printed and distributed. D. Secretary - The Secretary shall: 1. keep minutes of all meetings 2. conduct all correspondence for the Club 3. contact board members for special meetings 4. post minutes of the General Meetings on the Bulletin Board 5. maintain bulletin board in Ladies’ lounge 6. email Standing Board members to remind them of Standing Board meetings E. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall: 1. keep records of and report the financial status of the Club at all meetings 2. verify dues payments with the Assistant Controller and notify members whose dues are delinquent and other financial obligations of members 3. maintain a current roster of members 4. prepare a budget for the approval of the Board of Directors with the assistance of two other members of the Club. 5. Maintain membership list and verify SCWGA dues on Golf Nations. F. Handicap Chairman - The Handicap Chairman shall: 1. make sure the new handicap sheets for each revision are posted on the bulletin board 2. head a committee of three and be responsible for checking each day's play cards and computer printout for errors in adjustments and additions. 3. determine the most improved golfer each month and for the annual awards/installation meeting, per March 15 revision. G. Rules Chairman - The Rules Chairman shall: 1. have a good knowledge of the U.S.G.A. Rules of Golf 2. head a committee of three, including the Chaparral Country Club Professional, to administer the Rules of Golf on each play day 3. issue copies of the Rules of Golf to new members 4. collaborate with the Tournament Chairman in setting up rules for Special Events. H. Publicity Chairman - The Publicity Chairman shall: Submit periodically, press releases containing information on Club activities to local newspapers. I. Historian The Historian shall keep an official scrap book of all the events and activities of the Chaparral Women's Golf Club. J. Hospitality and Courtesy Hospitality and Courtesy Chairman shall: (1) be the official hostess at meetings and luncheons; (2) coordinate arrangements for the luncheons and breakfasts at the clubhouse; and (3) send cards to members in sympathy or illness.
K. Awards Chairman The Awards Chairman shall select awards for major tournaments, the most improved golfer, and other events as directed by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS: Amendments to the Bylaws may be made at any general meeting of the Club attended by at least three officers with a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment is posted at least ten days prior to voting. CHAPARRAL WOMEN'S GOLF CLUB STANDING RULES 1. Play days will be Thursday of each week followed by lunch which is Players must check in at least 30 minutes before tee time. 2. Members must sign up for each Thursday's play by the preceding Wednesday before 10 a.m. Members arriving to play on a play day without prior sign-up will be allowed to play but will be placed at the rear of field. 3. A member may bring a guest or prospective member on regular play days except when the game of the day is a Team Event. When bringing a guest, the Pro Shop must be notified 24 hours in advance. No guest or prospective member may participate in the day's competition. 4. A member player may NOT receive more than one prize in any one event, except closest to the pin, longest drive, chip-ins and birdies. 5. Tournaments: One major tournament will be held during the season. A. Club Championship: a three-day event with low gross and low net winners in each flight. The Club Champion will be the player scoring the lowest gross. Club Champion pendants may be altered only with the approval of the Executive Board. B. Other Tournaments as per play day schedule. 6. Major Tournament Eligibility To be eligible to play in the Club Championship, at least six rounds of golf must have been played on the CWGC play days during the official golf season that extends from November 1 to May 31 at Chaparral as: A. A full member of Chaparral Women's Golf Club B. A golf member of Chaparral Country Club C. A player participating in Team Play on a Thursday, representing Chaparral CC will count towards championship eligibility. D. Renters are not eligible.
7. Hole-In-One Insurance A. Each member will be assessed $3.00 on her County Club account when any member scores a Hole-in-One UNLESS she specifically notifies the CWGC Treasurer that she does not wish to participate in the insurance. Any member not participating will be ineligible for the awards. B. A CWGC member who scores a Hole-in-One will receive a Country Club account credit equal to the full $3.00 assessment of the CWGC membership on that day. Option 1: A member may choose to be awarded a 10-karat gold pendant; the remainder of the assessment (beyond the cost of the pendant) will be applied to her Country Club account toward the cost of wine served on meeting day. Option 2: Members declining a pendant will have the entire assessment applied to their Country Club account. Once the cost of wine served on meeting day is deducted, the excess may be used as the member wishes at the Club. C. Any Hole-in-One by a member may be recorded on any day of the week at Chaparral only, attested by at least one other player, and provided 18 holes are played. D. If a renter member wishes to have Hole-in-One insurance, she must inform the Treasurer of her intent to participate and request her Country Club account be assessed $3.00 per Hole-in-One the same as other members. Any renter not participating will be ineligible for the awards. 8. Guest Day Eligibility A guest must have a current USGA index. Each CWGC member may invite one Lady 9er as a guest for each Guest Day beginning with the 2017 - 2018 season. Associates were included as guests in February of 2018. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CWGC INTERCLUB TEAM : All Chaparral Team Members must be a current CWGC and Chaparral Country Club Member. Team Members must post and submit attested scorecards for a minimum of six 18-hole golf rounds played on the CWGC play days during the 12 months prior to October 1. The October 1 Revision handicap index will be used to determine the order of the top 30 members eligible for participation on the CWGC interclub team. Captains will contact eligible members regarding interest in participating. The lowest 12 handicap indexes are chosen first for each match. If any of those ladies is unable to participate, the alternates will be chosen in order of the index to complete the team of 12. DESERT EXCHANGE : Desert Exchange is designed to provide opportunities for participants to meet and play with members from Marrakesh, Oasis and Sunrise and share information for guest days. The Desert Exchange Chair or her designee will be responsible for announcing and posting the signup sheet. All CWGC members may sign up at the same time. Participants will be billed $30.00 through their home country club account; that cost will include golf and lunch with dessert.
GOLF ETIQUETTE : For the maximum enjoyment by all, it is important that all members make every effort to learn the rules of golf, be courteous and sportsmanlike on the course, and do everything possible to prevent slow play.
COURSE MAINTENANCE : Players should fill all divots on the fairway, rake the sand traps, placing the rake in the trap when finished, and repair ball marks on the greens. Do not scuff golf shoes on the greens. Carts should follow cart paths whenever possible. DRESS CODE : Club management requires that women golfers be appropriately attired in golf skirts, Bermuda shorts, or tailored slacks. Proper dress is an important part of maintaining Chaparral’s high standards. Each member must be responsible for herself and her guests.
Alton, Arron (11/15) (1829245)
79 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Arnold, Ann (11/4) (Ed) (9865119)
32 Conejo Circle
Ayers, Marti (11/5) (Alan) (1899856)
59 Camino Arroyo S.
Barnard, Ellie (5/16) (9995621) (760)340-3287 (714)403-3414c
63 Conejo Circle
Black, Janice (12/1) (Jim) (9677158)
161 Camino Arroyo N.
Blumstein, Marcy (2/3) (Phil) (9222805)
2 Joya Dr.
Brandsema, Yvonne (3/3) (Will) (2508785)
60 Presidio Pl.
Britt, Sandy (11/6) (Rod) (2298676)
227 Camino Arroyo N.
Brown, Joyce (11/6) (Jim) (9671282)
9 Camisa Lane
Brown, Karen (11/19) (Eddie) (10203247)
122 Conejo Circle
Brown, Kathleen (3/3) (11190960)
50 Maximo Way
Brown, Nancy (9/8) (Bob) (11190956)
38 Joya Dr.
Cernuto, Lisa (11/06) (Phil)
14 Joya Dr.
Chamberlain, Gretchen (8/26) (0651678)
85 Conejo Circle
Collins, Janice (5/29) (9649136) (760)836-0124 (616)437-1406c
81 Conejo Circle
Deinzer, Lindsay (1/3) (Dave) (0797798)
105 Conejo Circle
(760)565-6107 (973)650-2497c
Domene, Rae (7/24) (9725903) (760)779-1081 (714)865-5751c
33 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Duffy, Patrice (11/7) (John) (11191250)
197 Camino Arroyo N.
Easley, Diane (12/20) (Bob) (1588024)
70 Conejo Circle
Eastman, Kim (12/17) (Fred) (3196270)
40 Joya Dr.
Edwards, Coral (9/16) (9673039) (760)674-8650 (541)944-6317c
70 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Egan, Audrey (7/16) (Glen) (9968063)
100 Presidio Place
(760)340-0325 (760)885-7753c
Faul, Jane (11/27) (Dave) (9696322) (760)565-7863 (714)293-2528c
167 Camino Arroyo N.
Fetchina, Debbie (12/30) (David) (11183290)
1 Camino Arroyo S.
Finegold, Judy (3/3) (Lee) (4980619) (760)565-6870 (913)-710-6446c
10 Maximo Way
Gallacher, Beverly (10/5) (Duncan) (9710346)
20 Maximo Way
Gesner, Jan (9/13) (Craig) (9253763)
157 Camino Arroyo N.
Glaser, Ellen (8/6) (Jeff) (2388326)
81 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Goforth, Lavona (3/29) (Peter) (7760986)
44 Conejo Circle
Gries, Sharon (7/26) (Gary) (1933163) (760)636-4140 (847)-922-5403c
107 Conejo Circle
Hamblin, Pat (9/30) (Jerry) (9264465)
237 Camino Arroyo S.
(760)779-5371 (816)868-6080
Hammett, Sandra (5/15) (Jerry) (11217350)
Heri, Bonnie (11/18) (Steve) (9306484)
30 Conejo Circle
Hughes, Susan (10/1) (Gerry) (2167871)
22 Joya Drive
Hurd, Jeannie (7/28) (Douglas) (7543145)
102 Presidio Place
Jackson, Janet (5/2) (Bob) (10689717)
58 Presidio Pl.
Kanstein, Cindy (11/2) (Daryl) (1829956)
99 Camino Arroyo N.
Kovach, Karin (6/9) (Leo) (2511746)
11 Presidio Place
Krenwinkel, Sue (5/15) (Bill) (9702159)
20 Camisa Lane
Kyle, Donna (2/1) (Don) (3196664)
18 Joya Drive
Lawler, Paula (11/23) (9351985) (760)340-2960 (760)668-2551c
64 Maximo Way
Leal, Maria Magali (8/13) (9739843)
73 Camino Arroyo S.
Leavitt, Sara (7/2) (Steve) (9684787) (760)674-4661 (714)335-8765c
155 Camino Arroyo N.
Liquori, Delia (2/5) (Dennis) (11183003)
71 Camino Arroyo N.
Marlin, Gail (2/8) (Ron) (5139605) (760)568-2377 (650)504-5450c
215 Camino Arroyo S.
Martindale, Lorri (4/28) (Mark) (8561338)
29 Camisa Ln.
Matthews, Carol (10/26) (Mart) (6309419)
79 Maximo Way
McBride, Gloria (11/27) (Fred) (0626268)
91 Presidio Place
McCourt, Debi (4/14) (Mike) (1580907)
187 Camino Arroyo N.
McCoy, Linda (9/27) (Jim) (9727033)
195 Camino Arroyo S.
McCutchin, Fran (10/30) (Michael) (2987412)
41 Joya Dr.
McIntosh, Kathleen (3/21) (9713257) (760)568-0822 (760)636-8959c
9 Camino Arroyo Pl.
McNeilly, Barbara (6/27) (Mac) (2865723)
116 Camino Arroyo S.
McSorley, Lorna (5/27) (11244959)
49 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Messett, Kerry (10/11) (Craig) (4505114)
145 Camino Arroyo N.
(760)341-3133 (206)595-0520c
Miller, Betty (1/26) (Gragg) (0337779)
169 Camino Arroyo N.
Miller, Sherry (5/26) (Ed) (1862181)
13 Joya Dr.
Newfield, Barbara (8/19) (Rod) (9865141)
113 Conejo Circle
Pannette, Dorie (7/20) (Jim) (0376251)
52 Maximo Way
Paradis, Bernadette (11/14) (Hal) (8685755)
4 Conejo Circle
(760)568-6706 (760)668-3714c
Parkin, Joan (12/30) (9686746) (760)837-9136 (503)508-8789c
55 Camino Arroyo S.
Philpot, Lynn (3/16) (Jim) (6354871)
64 Conejo Circle
Potter, Dawn (12/17) (2608392)
91 Maximo Way
Powell, Suzanne (8/10) (Doyle) (9967036)
46 Conejo Circle
Rardon, Patricia (4/10) (Gary) (10850948)
39 Camino Arroyo N.
Raymond, Jo (4/11) (Joe) (9921541) (760)773-0085 (760)238-6536c
101 Maximo Way
Reichert, Janet (2/10) (Leonard Nelson) (9740261)
53 Camisa Lane
Rodriguez, Karen (3/5) (John) (9347654)
31 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Rosol, Patty (9/16) (Ray) (1753690) (760)674-5755 (714)325-3600c
7 Camino Arroyo N.
Ross, Carol (12/24) (Paul) (12369)
65 Camino Arroyo S.
Sargent, Kit (6/8) (Rusty) (11181592)
95 Conejo Circle
Schaefer, Margy (7/6) (Gary) (9708088)
100 Conejo Circle
(760)779-1090 (541)660-1195c
Schneider, Kathy (11/1) (Denny) (9223109)
59 Conejo Circle
Schur, Stephanie (6/8) (Steve) (10369831)
158 Camino Arroyo S.
Scott, Judy (8/13) (Garry) (0266145) (760)565-8606 (250)784-4350c
5 Joya Drive
Scott, Traci (2/1) (9740261)
11 Camino Arroyo No.
Serles, Pam (6/24) (Jim) (9603959) (760)-340-1415 (562)714-5775c
54 Conejo Circle
Shuler, Vicki (10/25) (Dennis) (3009850)
66 Maximo Way
Smalling, Peachy (3/2) (Jay) (3556789)
Smith, Laurel (6/27) (Brian) (9573055)
18 Maximo Way
St. John, Kathryn (12/29) (Scott)
75 Maximo Way
Stone, Hillary (8/2) (Skip) (9233923) (760)341-5957 (760)409-5102c
124 Presidio Place
Swan, Jonne (7/11) (9611085) (760)568-4955 (760)333-1401c
62 Camino Arroyo Pl.
Ulrich, Peggy (7/13) (Fred) (0612466)
85 Camino Arroyo Pl.
(760)565-6346 (650)619-5768c
Walsh, Sharon (5/17) (Ed) (9230499)
37 Joya Drive
Warther, Ellie (1/12) (9740261)
77 Camino Arroyo N.
Watson, Judy (1/30) (Pete) (9731308)
22 Conejo Circle
Wyman, Patricia (6/28) (9681306) (760)776-9491 (760)625-6660c
203 Camino Arroyo N.
Zenz, Mary Ellen (8/27) (Brian) (9725980)
85 Maximo Way
(760)341-5323 (949)874-8446c
Henak, Kristin (11/29) (William) (641924)
9 Maximo Way
Howes, Sandra L. (4/19) (Chuck) (2172021)
83 Maximo Way
Jacobs, Mary (10/30) (Bob) (9324357)
7 Furman Court R.M.
(760)328-5056 (707)481-9257c
Montague, Shirley (12/6) (Peter) (9689756)
181 Camino Arroyo N.
Women’s Golf Club 2023 - 2024
100 Chaparral Drive, Palm Desert, California 92260
Clubhouse (760) 340-1893
Pro Shop (760) 340-1893 x 108
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