5.0 Daily Summer Bus Routes: Two (2) to ten (10) days prior to the start of each summer school session, daily summer bus routes shall be bid in accordance with Article 4.1 by bargaining unit seniority. Before the end of the regular school year, the drivers will be notified of the starting dates of the summer school sessions. All work after traditional school ends shall be bid. Any run vacated at a summer bid may be rebid on the same day or the next scheduled summer bid. The traditional school date (calendar committee - “Holidays” section) shall be arranged between the Association and the Agency each year. All routes shall have a starting and ending date. During the summer, the addition of assignments which go beyond the ending date shall not be construed to be continuing the ending bid date. On the ending bid date these additional assignments shall be combined at the Agency's discretion and assigned by seniority amongst those drivers on active bid route. All routes shall have a beginning and ending date and shall be on the bid board.
Summer school routes are subject to change including increase, decrease, and elimination. Every attempt will be made to make adjustments on a seniority basis, however, it is understood this may not be possible in every case. Reduction in summer routes will result in elimination of the least senior driver's assignment. Reductions shall be made in the manner required by law.
Permanent drivers whose regular contracted route has ended and who has not yet, if at all, bid on a summer route, may cover routes in regular education or special education.
5.1 Summer Local Non-Home-School Trips: Summer trips shall be assigned by bargaining unit seniority in the following order: First, senior drivers assigned to summer school and/or traditional school year routes if such assignment does not result in overtime and does not conflict with assigned routes. Second, other regular drivers, by seniority, not regularly assigned to summer school and/or traditional school year routes.
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