(3) calendar days after the bid. Interested drivers/bus aides shall arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. on the close out date for bidding.
4.9 Except for bereavement, vacation, personal necessity for less than five (5) days, family care and medical leave, jury duty leaves, and absences due to a subpoena in a matter in which the driver/bus aide is not a party, drivers/bus aides on any leave who are eligible to return to work without restriction, must show proof of availability to accept assignment three (3) working days prior to the bid date. Failure to provide such certification, or failure to return to work without restriction prior to the bid process will result in the driver’s/bus aide’s removal from the bid process and the minimum guarantee assignment will be used for benefit and pay calculation upon return. Any driver/bus aide who has been on leave status within fifteen (15) calendar days within the award of a bid who, after the effective date of the bid assignment, is absent five (5) consecutive days or more for the same reason the leave was granted, shall forfeit his/her bid assignment. Those drivers/bus aides who forfeit their bid assignment when they are eligible to return to work without restriction will be given a minimum guarantee assignment. 4.10 If an employee works their regular guaranteed number of hours per day, or are assigned to work their guaranteed hours in another assignment by their immediate supervisor, no absence will be charged to the employee. 4.11 Extra Hours: Local non home-to-school weekday special activity trips and home to school routes shall be offered to the most senior driver and bus aides in each service area. Should the assignment be refused by all the members in the classification, the assignment shall be assigned as “extra hours” to the unit member(s) with the least seniority.
4.11.1 Non home-to-school trip assignments of thirty (30) minutes or less shall be assigned to drivers at the school site by seniority.
4.11.2 In the absence of the regular driver assigned to a kindergarten or mid-day run, the run shall be assigned as follows: The most senior driver who has signed up for extra hours the previous day. If no driver meets the conditions, the assignment shall be made in accordance with the “Overtime” section. Extra time shall not be used by an employee to shorten his/her regular assignment without prior approval of the immediate supervisor, otherwise an absence will be charged.
4.11.3 The most immediate driver in the vicinity of an emergency situation, as determined by the Agency, may not refuse extra hours to facilitate a home-to-school or non home-to-school activity. Drivers are to be paid at the appropriate rate.
4.11.4 The Agency will post extra assignment sheets on Monday for the previous week.
4.11.5 Unit members shall have the right to refuse extra time. Should an assignment be refused by all members in a classification, the assignment shall be assigned to the unit member with the least seniority.
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