iii. Conducting for-profit business activities and/or engaging in non government related fundraising or public relations activities such as solicitation for religious purposes, lobbying for personal political purposes.
A. PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS All photography or video recording of students or families shall be done only with the permission of the individuals being photographed. Written permission must be given if the materials are to be published with personally identifying information; the written release must be on file with the Agency Technology Department. B. PENALTIES FOR IMPROPER USE The use of the Agency Network as well as use of an Agency-owned device, and Agency email, is a privilege, not a right, and misuse will result in the restriction or cancellation of said privilege. Misuse may also lead to disciplinary and/or legal action for employees, including suspension, and or termination from AVSTA employment, or criminal prosecution by government authorities. The Agency will tailor any disciplinary action to the specific issues related to each violation. C. MANDATORY REPORTING OF “SEXTING” An employee who has knowledge of, or reasonably suspects an individual, including a minor student, in possession of sexually explicit digital photographs of a nude minor on a mobile digital device, including but not limited to a smart phone, shall:
1. Immediately confiscate the device. 2. Contact and report the matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency in writing.
3. Secure and turn the device over to law enforcement as evidence. 4. Follow the Agency Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Policy
An employee shall not, under any circumstances, transfer the suspected sexually explicit material to any other device or computer or transmit the image via e-mail or text.
D. TRANSMITTING/STORING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Agency personnel may not redistribute or forward confidential information (i.e. student records, directory information, personnel records, etc.) without proper authorization. Confidential information should never be transmitted, redistributed, or forwarded to outside individuals who are not expressly authorized to receive the information. Revealing such personal information as home addresses or phone numbers of users or others is prohibited. In order to reduce the loss of confidential information due to theft or misplacement, student/staff confidential information shall not be stored on portable devices such as memory sticks or on hard drives. This information shall be stored on the server. E. SOCIAL MEDIA AVSTA recognizes the role social media plays in modern communication. As such, we respect the right of employees to use social networks for self-publishing and self expression while adhering to our organizational guidelines, by using appropriate language and by not posting behavior unbecoming of a public employee.
As an AVSTA employee, your commentary is not only a direct reflection of you
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