Chaparral Women's Golf Club 2023 - 2024
K. Awards Chairman The Awards Chairman shall select awards for major tournaments, the most improved golfer, and other events as directed by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS: Amendments to the Bylaws may be made at any general meeting of the Club attended by at least three officers with a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment is posted at least ten days prior to voting. CHAPARRAL WOMEN'S GOLF CLUB STANDING RULES 1. Play days will be Thursday of each week followed by lunch which is Players must check in at least 30 minutes before tee time. 2. Members must sign up for each Thursday's play by the preceding Wednesday before 10 a.m. Members arriving to play on a play day without prior sign-up will be allowed to play but will be placed at the rear of field. 3. A member may bring a guest or prospective member on regular play days except when the game of the day is a Team Event. When bringing a guest, the Pro Shop must be notified 24 hours in advance. No guest or prospective member may participate in the day's competition. 4. A member player may NOT receive more than one prize in any one event, except closest to the pin, longest drive, chip-ins and birdies. 5. Tournaments: One major tournament will be held during the season. A. Club Championship: a three-day event with low gross and low net winners in each flight. The Club Champion will be the player scoring the lowest gross. Club Champion pendants may be altered only with the approval of the Executive Board. B. Other Tournaments as per play day schedule. 6. Major Tournament Eligibility To be eligible to play in the Club Championship, at least six rounds of golf must have been played on the CWGC play days during the official golf season that extends from November 1 to May 31 at Chaparral as: A. A full member of Chaparral Women's Golf Club B. A golf member of Chaparral Country Club C. A player participating in Team Play on a Thursday, representing Chaparral CC will count towards championship eligibility. D. Renters are not eligible.
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