Chaparral Women's Golf Club 2023 - 2024
ARTICLE I NAME: The name of this organization shall be known as the Chaparral Women's Golf Club. ARTICLE II PURPOSE: The purpose of this group shall be to promote the advancement of women's golf in accordance with the rules of golf adopted by the USGA. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP A. Membership Eligibility: The members of Chaparral Women's Golf Club shall be women in good standing with Chaparral Country Club, Inc. They may be homeowner golf members, designees of a golf member homeowner, close family member designees, non-resident members, or renters. Members who have sold their homes and have paid their full initiation fee may retain their golf membership provided they continue to pay their annual dues without interruption. Renters with a seasonal package are eligible to participate in all Thursday Play Days and Guest Days as members, but have no voting rights, may not hold a CWGC office, participate in Executive Team Play or the Club Championship. In compliance with the World Handicap System effective January 2020, the maximum index of 54 would play to a handicap of 38 for all CWGC 18-hole member events. B. New Member Eligibility for CWGC Applications for new members are available from the CWGC Membership Chair, any Executive Board member, in the Country Club office or in the Pro Shop. 1. A woman with a current handicap from another golf course becomes a CWGC member when she turns in a completed Membership Application and has CWGC annual dues billed to her Country Club account. 2. A woman without an established current handicap becomes a CWGC member when a completed Membership Application, accompanied by signed and attested score cards of 54 holes played at Chaparral Country Club is submitted to the membership chair and her annual dues have been billed to her Country Club account. The handicap chair will enroll her in the World Handicap System (USGA admin portal) to establish a GHIN number and enter her scores to begin establishing her index for her handicap. C. Annual Dues Assessments: Chaparral Country Club does its annual billing for CWGC membership on October 31. Dues are billed to the member’s Country Club account, are non-refundable and may not be prorated. Although the CWGC official golf season extends from November 1 through May 31, dues are assessed on an annual basis, including dues for handicap.
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