Memorandum of Understanding Between the Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency and Galiforn ia School Employees Association and its United Schools Transportation Employees Ghapter #652 Regarding 12 Month Gontracts

This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into thisl-l4tth day of February 2022, by and between Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency ("Agency") and Classified School Employees Association and its United Schools Transportation Employees Chapter #652 ("CSEA") (collectively referred to herein as the "Parties") regarding 12 month contracts. WHEREAS, the collective bargaining agreement ("CBA"), Article 4, Bus Routes and Bidding, describes the manner and order in which bus routes and bus aide routes are bid. WHEREAS, Article 5, Summer Work, Section 5.1 , Daily Summer Bus Routes, between the Agency and the Bus Routes, provides for the timing and process for bidding summer school sessions. WHEREAS, the Agency anticipates having thr6e (3) summer school sessions, generally held, but subject to change, as follows: . Session 1 - Autism Academy, with Westside SD (mid-June through mid-July); . Session 2 - Westside SD (month of June); and o Session 3 - AVUHSD, Lancaster SD and Palmdale Elementary SD (month of July). WHEREAS, the Parties agree to create 12 month contracts for bus drivers and aides that will include traditional school year routes and summer school session routes. At Main Bid, 12 month contracts, that will include summer session routes, will be offered to bus drivers and bus aides as part of the initially offered bids. Bus drivers and bus aides who bid for a 12 month contract are committed to drive the associated summer session. The 12 month contracts will identify the summer session that is part of the contract. The selection of summer routes that are part of the unit members 12 month contract will take place two (2) to (10) days prior to the start of each summer school session. The selections will be based on seniority. lf summer routes decrease by 20o/o or more from after the Main Bid, the Parties agree to meet and negotiate how to address the reduction in routes. The Agency and CSEA agree to modify the terms of the CBA, as necessary and appropriate, to reflect the terms of this MOU. 1 2 3 4 5 IT IS, THEREFORE, NOW AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT


Date: February lP, ZOzz


Morris Fu ter

Chief Executive Officer

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