4.\L.2.1, The most senior driver who has signed up for extra hours the previous day. in the absent driver's area; er remete parking leeatien; whe is netsput inte evertime


lncorporate Article lX-Salary language into Article Vl - Pay and Allowance. Strike definition of probationary period in Article Vl - Pay and Allowance. Add definition of probationary period to Article ll - Definitions, per Education Code 451-13. Add new section regarding special projects and special training to Article Vl - Pay and Allowance, as follows: 6.13 Special Proiects/SpecialTrainings: Special projects and special trainings shall be offered as follows:

6.13.1 The special projects or training will be posted for a minimum of six (6) working days.

6.L3.2 Unit members will be subjected to the Agency's selection process, which may include a testing, interview, and matrix of qualifying factors to include seniority. A CSEA representative, chosen by the Chapter President, will be included and present in each step of the selection process. The CSEA representative will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement; violation of the confidentiality agreement will subject the CSEA representative to discipline.

5.13.3 lf the special project or training includes overtime, the unit member will be charged on the overtime rotation list.

6.L3.4 Unit member that attend a special project or training shall be required, during paid hours, to present the received training as directed to relevant parties, at the Agency's discretion. 6.13.5 Eligibility for special projects or trainings is not dependent on the unit member being on or off contract during the time of the project or training, and the pay rate shall be per their normal hourly rate. 6.13.6 A Special Project or Special Training shall be defined as a project or training that requires (a) duties or responsibilities that are not encompassed in a classification's regular job description, generally because the duties/responsibilities go beyond the normal scope of the classification, andlor (bl the assignment or training requires skills, knowledge, or experience not normally required of the classification in question.


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