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Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency To California School Employees Association And its United Schools Transportation Employees Chapter #652
2O2t-2024 Cou nte r Proposa I
Januarv 5.2022 I'il't.*. The Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency ("Agency" or "AVSTA") present its counter proposal for Successor Agreement under the provisions of the current bargaining agreement. Revise all dates in the Collective Bargaining Agreement to reflect a July L,2O2L - June 30, 2O24term. Add definition of Probationary Period, per Education Code 451.13, to Article ll- Definitions, as follows and renumber as appropriate: 2.2 Bumpine Right: The right of an employee, under certain conditions as described in Article XlX, to displace an employee with less seniority in a class. z.Lg Probation Period: The probationary period of all unit members shall not exceed six (6) months or 130 days of paid service, whichever is longer. 2.21 Route Vacancv: An unfilled route, that the Agency decides to fill, created by a resignation, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, or an extended leave of fifteen (15) consecutive workdays or more. ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS
Add the following language to section 3.2, Adjustments of Assigned Time
3.2.5 The Agency will provide a revised contract within ten (10) workdays to reflect the upward adiustment of the driver's or bus aide's new guarantee number of hours, retroactive to the first day the driver or bus aide began working the extra hours.
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