3.3 Meal Periods: An unpaid duty-free meal period of not less than thirty (30) minutes shall be provided to all unit members who render service of at least five (5) consecutive hours or more per day. The lunch period shall be assigned by the immediate supervisor, and shall be taken by the unit member. 3.3.1 Field Trips: For the purpose of field trips, an unpaid duty-free meal period of not less than thirty (30) minutes shall be provided all unit members who render service of at least five (5) consecutive hours or more per day.

Any unit member who accepts a field trip may elect to waive the provisions of this section and shall be paid for such time at the appropriate rate of pay. Such waiver disqualifies the employee from actual meal reimbursement.

3.4 Rest Period: Unit members will be provided one (1) compensated period of fifteen (15) minutes for each full four (4) consecutive hours of work per day, to include bus drivers. Supervisors shall schedule rest periods for unit members at times least disruptive to the operation of the department and as near the mid point as possible. If a schedule does not lend itself to a rest period at mid point, then rest periods will be added at the end of the schedule before clean up.


Rest periods shall not be used to lengthen the lunch period or shorten the workday.

3.4.2 Shop personnel shall be allowed time, as needed, to clean hands before lunch and breaks.

3.5 Start Up/Clean Up Time/Fuel Time: Bus drivers shall receive one five (5) minute period at dispatch in the main yard for check in and one twenty (20) minute period for a pre-trip inspection before the first run of the day to check out the bus. Bus drivers shall receive one twenty (20) minute period for pre-trip inspection and bus check out should the driver be required to use a different bus during the same workday. Bus drivers shall receive one five (5) minute period at dispatch in the main yard for check in between the morning and mid-day and mid-day and afternoon runs. Bus drivers shall receive one fifteen (15) minute period for clean up, post-trip inspection, lock up and paperwork after the p.m. run. Ten (10) minutes will be allowed when driver is required to fuel bus. The bus driver has the responsibility to notify the supervisor (via dispatch) immediately if they are having a problem with the fueling which would require more than ten (10) minutes, and the supervisor may approve additional time. Time of fueling may be assigned by supervisor. All breaks and other compensated time will be recorded by the bus driver on the time sheet. 3.5.1 In addition to the post-trip cleaning set forth in section 3.5, drivers shall be required to clean their bus, inside and outside on a weekly basis. Drivers will receive one thirty (30) minute period to clean the inside and outside of their bus each week. 3.6 Non Home-to-School trips: Bus drivers and bus aides on non home-to-school trips who are required to remain for the duration of the events for which the trip is made, shall be paid for all hours at the appropriate rate of pay.


Home-To-School Runs:

3.7.1 Stand-by Time: Drivers on daily runs shall be paid for all stand-by time between runs if prior to the run the driver is directed not to return to the assigned parking site between runs. The supervisor may assign other duties to drivers while they are on stand-by or other paid idle time. To qualify for paid status, at the beginning of each period of stand-by or other idle time drivers shall report to the supervisor regarding his/her availability to perform other duties.

3.7.2 Layover Time: Drivers returning to assigned parking site shall be paid for all layover time of thirty (30) minutes or less.

3.7.3 Drivers and bus aides shall be assigned extra work even if minor overtime is anticipated. Minor overtime is defined as fifteen (15) minutes or less.


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