24.0 The authorized onsite representative(s) of the Association may transact official Association business on school property at reasonable times. Reasonable times shall mean: before the start and after completion of the workday, lunch period, and periods during which an employee is present at the school site but not expected to perform services for the agency. Association representatives when entering a school site for official Association business, shall promptly identify themselves at the agency office and obtain authorization from the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, which authorization shall not be unreasonably withheld prior to contacting any Agency employees. The Association further agrees that the Association representative shall not disturb or otherwise interfere with the work of any employee of the Agency. 24.1 The right to use without charge designated bulletin boards, mailboxes, and Agency telephone for the posting or delivery of information or notices concerning Association matters if performed during non-duty hours or on breaks. Any communication to be distributed, delivered or posted pursuant to this paragraph, must involve official Association business only. It also must be dated, bear the name of the Association and identify the person responsible for its promulgation. The Association assumes full legal responsibility for the content of its communications and its use of Agency mailboxes and bulletin boards. A copy of each Agency-wide Association communication to unit members must be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer at the time of the placement of such communication on an Agency bulletin board or in an Agency mailbox. In the case where a communication is directed to unit members at a single location, the Association shall submit the communication to the Chief Executive Officer at the same time of the entrance of such communication into the mailboxes, or placement on a site bulletin board. 24.2 The Agency shall provide bulletin boards designated for CSEA use only at each site located (e.g., Main building, Shop, all outlying yards, etc.). They shall be placed in areas that are reasonably accessible by employees in the bargaining unit. The bulletin boards shall be at least 4 feet by 3 feet whenever possible. Postings shall be done by authorized Association/Chapter representatives. 24.3 The right to use without charge institutional equipment, facilities, and buildings at reasonable times. The use of facilities will be in accordance with the Civic Center Act, and comply with Agency policy and regulations concerning building and facility use. 24.4 The right to be supplied annually with a complete bargaining unit seniority roster of all bargaining unit employees. The roster shall indicate the employee's present classification, date of hire, number of hours of employment and primary jobsite. 24.5 The right to receive prior to each Board meeting two (2) copies of the agenda and schedules in regards to that agenda. The Association will receive one (1) copy of the preliminary budget, publication and final budget, and one (1) copy of the adopted Form J-41-JP report to the County including all special funds. The right to receive at Association expense any public documents requested by the Association. 24.6 The Agency shall prepare and provide, without charge, a copy of this Agreement to each unit member within forty-five (45) days of ratification of the Agreement by both the Agency and the Association. Future bargaining unit members shall be provided a copy of the Agreement upon initial employment. 24.7 A total of fifteen (15) days release time, without loss of compensation, shall be granted to the president, or designee, of the Association for local and state conferences or workshops, pertinent to Association affairs. At least five (5) days of the fifteen (15) days release time must be used for CSEA’s annual conference. When school is in session, the Agency may request reimbursement for actual substitute cost associated with such leave. Prior to the leave, the Association will be notified of the need, if any, for reimbursement.
24.7.1 Unit member seeking such leave shall file a request at the Agency office at least two (2) weeks prior to the date on which the unit member requests the leave to commence.
24.8 Agency agrees to include written material about THE ASSOCIATION membership provided by THE ASSOCIATION with materials given by the Agency to new hires in the unit at time of their employment.
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