Mark Ahlheim - Healing Homes.GURU
Simple Is Enough. A simple home figures out what it really needs and what is superfluous; Simple Is Flexible. A simple home is a flexible stage for living rather than a straightjacketed array of single-purpose rooms; Simple Is Thrifty. As Ms. Nettleton emphasizes, a simple home is thrifty in both economic and ecological terms and thrifty even when an owner can afford more; Simple Is Timeless. A simple home is not about impressing others or keeping up with the Joneses with trends that by definition go out-of-date; Simple Is Sustainable. A simple home does not need advanced technologies or expensive products to achieve the spirit of sustainability; and my favorite Simple Is Resolved Complexity. A simple home resolves seemingly complex needs, and by doing so means less upkeep, less stress, and more time for other things. My healthy Little Big Homes and Homes That Heal strive to embody all six principles that Ms. Nettleton so eloquently describes. If you are looking for a home like this for you and your family, please contact me.
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