computers connected to the network must have virus protection software which meets the Agency standards.

C. DOWNLOADING OF FILES AND SOFTWARE FROM THE INTERNET, FLASH DRIVES, CDs, OR DVDs The unauthorized installation of any software, including shareware and freeware, for use on Agency devices is prohibited. 1. Contact the Information Technology Manager in advance for authorization. 2. Use of the network or personal electronic devices to intentionally access or process files dangerous to the integrity of the local area network is prohibited. 3. The Agency network may not be used for downloading entertainment software, music, videos or other files not related to the mission and objectives of the Agency. This prohibition pertains to freeware, shareware, copyrighted commercial and non commercial software, and all other forms of software and files not directly related to the instructional and administrative purposes of the Agency. 4. The Agency is not responsible for any personal materials downloaded on the Agency computers. D. AVSTA AGENCY EMAIL USAGE POLICY This policy applies to all employees, vendors, and partners who are assigned (or given access to) agency email. This email may be assigned to an individual (e.g. firstinitiallastname@avsta.com) or job title (e.g. clerk1@avsta.com). 1. Policy Elements Agency emails are powerful tools that help employees in their jobs as well as serve as an efficient way to communicate important information. Employees shall use their agency email for work-related purposes. The following will define what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate use. 2. Inappropriate Use of Agency Email Our employees represent our Agency whenever they use their email address. They must not: • Sign up for illegal, unreliable, disreputable or suspect websites and services. • Send unauthorized marketing content or solicitation emails. • Open any suspicious attachments which may contain viruses. • Send insulting or discriminatory messages and content. • Intentionally spam other people’s emails, including their coworkers.

The Agency has the right to monitor and archive agency emails .

3. Appropriate Use of Agency Email Employees are allowed to use their Agency email for work-related purposes without limitations. For example, employees can use their email to:

• Communicate with current or prospective vendors and schools and district offices. • Log in to agency software they have legitimate access to.

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