acceleration, deceleration, or other movement of the vehicle.

(b) The Department of the California Highway Patrol shall investigate all school bus accidents with the exception of accidents involving only property damage and occurring entirely on private property; however, CHP will investigate accidents on private property where California Vehicle Code notice of enforcement is posted. A. REPORTING Whenever any school bus accident occurs, the driver must stop at the scene, immediately notify or cause to be notified the CHP, his or her employer, and the school district for which the bus may be operated under contract (13 CCR 1219).

No photographs of an accident or an accident scene shall be taken unless specifically instructed by Safety and Training.

B. ACCIDENT NOTIFICATIONS In case of accident, immediately radio or see to it that the Agency is notified. If unable to reach the Agency dispatcher, the driver must notify or cause to be notified the CHP. The driver shall give the precise location of the accident. If there are injuries that will require transportation, the driver shall indicate the number of people injured. Comply with all provisions in the Code of Regulations, Title 13. If a driver is reporting an accident that he or she has witnessed, the driver should indicate that an Agency vehicle was not involved, and then give necessary details for the location of the accident, injuries, and type of help needed. C. PROCEDURES IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT In the case of an accident, the driver shall do the following: 1. Stop and secure the bus and turn off the engine. 2. Evaluate the scene as per first aid manual and act accordingly. 3. Remain calm. Do not argue, give way to anger, or make unwarranted accusations. 4. Put out road reflectors. 5. Make the pupils as safe and comfortable as possible. 6. Following an accident, do not move a school bus from the scene of the accident until approved by proper authority. 7. Make student seating chart indicating student's name, age, date of birth, and seat location. Seating chart is located in the First Aid Kit. 8. Do not release students to anyone, except proper authorities (CHP, Sheriff, Paramedic). Before releasing, have names of students, school they attend and address and to whom they have been released and to what location they are in route. 9. Receive approval from the dispatchers and be presented with proper documentation when students are released to parents. The driver must not, under any circumstances, release students to unauthorized individuals. The driver is responsible for the safety and well-being of all students until relieved of those responsibilities by a Supervisor.

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