IV. LAWS APPLYING TO FIELD TRIPS There are several laws and regulations designed to prevent field trip accidents from happening. Below is a list of some of them. Those laws are by no means the only laws which apply to field trips. Also, most of the laws listed below do not apply exclusively to field trips, but are listed because the chances of encountering those situations are greater when driving a field trip. A. STUDENT SAFETY Every driver must provide the safety instructions prior to every departure on every school field trip. California Education Code Section 39831.5 (a) (2) states that prior to departure on a school field trip, all pupils riding on a school bus shall receive safety instructions, which include the following: 1. Operation of the front door emergency release. 2. Location of emergency exits. 3. First-Aid kit location. 4. Location and use of emergency equipment. 5. Location of ignition key and brake. 6. Instructions should also include responsibilities of passengers seated next to an emergency exit. Motor carriers shall require each driver to demonstrate that the driver is capable of safely operating each different type of vehicle or vehicle combination (i.e. vehicle with different controls, gauges of different size, or requiring different driving skills) before driving such vehicle(s) on a highway unsupervised. 2. UNLAWFUL OPERATION (13 CCR 1230) No motor carrier shall knowingly require or permit the operation of any vehicle that is not in safe operating condition or not equipped and maintained as required by any law or regulation; or knowingly required or permit any driver to drive in violation of any law or regulation. 3. PERMITTING UNLICENSED PERSON TO DRIVE (14606 VC) No person shall knowingly permit or authorize the driving of a motor vehicle, under his or her control, upon the highway by any person unless the person is then licensed for the appropriate class of vehicle to be driven. 4. VIOLATION OF LICENSE RESTRICTION (14603 VC) No person shall operate a vehicle in violation of the provision of a restricted license issued to him or her. 5. CERTIFICATE RESTRICTIONS (13 CCR 1207) It shall be unlawful for the holder of a certificate to violate any restriction placed in the certificate. 6. DRIVING HOUR (13 CAC 1201, 13 CCR 1212) The driver of a school bus shall not drive more than ten (10) hours within a work period or drive after sixteen (16) consecutive hours have elapsed since first reporting B. DRIVER PROFICIENCY 1. DRIVER PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS (13 CCR 1229)

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