8. Long field trips can be very tiring for the driver as well as the passengers. The following should be considered on a long trip: a. Get plenty of rest before the trip. b. The driver should also consider resting during the waiting time before the return trip. c. The driver should watch eating habits while on the trip. Large heavy meals may cause drowsiness. d. Stay within the driving hours. e. If emergencies happen on the road, follow emergency procedures. Never unload g. As a professional, the driver should always keep in mind that he or she represents the Agency when on a field trip and should display conduct accordingly. Equally important is the fact that the safety of the passengers that the Agency transports lies in the knowledge of the equipment and the professional driving ability of a professional driver. F. FIELD TRIPS REQUIRING DRIVERS TO STAY WITH GROUP Drivers must stay with their group while on duty for the trip. Driver must be available for coaches, teachers, and chaperones as needed. 1. Bring desired food, drinks, and appropriate clothing needed for the trip. 2. When required to park at a location other than the point where students were dropped, the driver shall exchange cell phone numbers so to facilitate contact with the group if needed. 3. Drivers shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. No foul, obscene, or inappropriate language shall be used. 4. No family or friends are permitted to attend any field trip. 5. No inappropriate music at any time. G. TRIP SHEETS The following are tips to remember when submitting a trip sheet: 1. Trip sheet and log books must be submitted immediately upon return to work the next working day. 2. Use military time. 3. Include student count. 4. Include bus number. 5. Teacher or chaperone signature. 6. Turn in trip sheet and timesheet together in field trip box the same day. 7. Submit a Trouble Report indicating the trip number to report seat damage, graffiti, or excessive bus cleaning. 8. Include the student roster. your passengers unless it is absolutely necessary. f. Follow Agency policies and California state laws.


California Vehicle Code 12517.1: (a) A "school bus accident" means any of the following:

1. A motor vehicle accident resulting in property damage in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or personal injury, on public or private property, and involving a school bus transporting a pupil. We will report all school bus accidents to CHP.

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