5. Faulty equipment.
D. BREAKDOWN PROCEDURES When mechanical problems develop which render the bus inoperable or unsafe for pupil transportation, the bus, if at all possible, should be moved as far off the main traveled portion of the roadway as is safe and practical. If bus cannot be moved off roadway and is in a position to obstruct traffic or be a hazard, emergency reflectors shall be placed in accordance with vehicle code Section 25300. You shall then radio in the following information:
1. Location. 2. Direction in which the bus is headed. 3. Number of students aboard, if any. 4. As accurately as possible, describe the cause of the problem.
In the event a breakdown should occur after hours, it must be reported by calling the answering service at (888) 207-0359. During the weekend, breakdowns shall be reported by calling the phone number for the Mechanic on call located on your trip sheet. If you are unable to reach the on call Mechanic, call the answering service at the phone number listed above.
At no time should the driver leave the immediate vicinity of the bus when passengers are aboard.
A. BASIC PLANNING ELEMENTS The following are some of the informational items that should be obtained when assigned a field trip. This information can be found on the field trip sheet.
1. Date of Trip. 2. Destination/Name of group. 3. Departure and Return time. 4. Number of passengers and grade level.
5. Multi-bus move or trip. 6. Storage requirements. 7. Meal stops if needed.
B. PRE-TRIP CHECKS Once the field trip sheet is received, it is the responsibility of the driver to make certain that all preparations are made for the trip. 1. Check to make sure the bus is cleaned. 2. Make sure the bus is fueled to capacity. 3. Perform a full pre-trip bus inspection. 4. Review the trip request. 5. Review the map and directions. The driver should make sure the route to the destination is understood before leaving.
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