a later date should issues arise regarding the event. All reports should be completed containing as much detail and information as possible and submitted to the appropriate Supervisor. These reports are located on the Bus Conduct Program. B. INFORM, OBSERVE, AND ENFORCE DISCIPLINE 1. It is the responsibility of the driver to explain all bus rules and regulations to the students. 2. A driver should do everything possible to encourage positive and correct behavior. 3. For better control, student behavior should be monitored using the driver mirrors. 4. Students should be treated fairly and consistently. The driver should set reasonable rules and consistently enforce them. The driver who enforces the discipline rules on their bus from the first day of school will have fewer discipline problems throughout the school year. 5. Classroom conduct is the accepted behavior on a school bus. Classroom conduct, as used here, is interpreted to mean that the students will follow the drivers’ directions, remain properly seated, keep their hands and personal items to themselves, and talk with other students in immediate vicinity only. 6. Think before reacting. Be proactive, not reactive. 7. A driver should attempt to control all disturbances on his or her bus. 8. If a fight occurs or if a student gets injured while on a bus or at a bus stop, the driver must report it immediately to Dispatch so that a parent and/or school personnel will be notified. This must be submitted upon returning to the yard. 9. When speaking with an individual student always do so in the presence of an adult. 10. If a student must be corrected, explain the reason if it is not obvious. 11. A driver shall never place a student off a bus as a disciplinary response. 12. A driver shall not return students to a campus or the transportation center for disciplinary reasons, unless it is an extreme emergency and they are authorized to do so by a supervisor. 13. A driver shall submit a referral in Bus Conduct for students who continually disobey the driver and the bus rules. Referrals should be issued for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Referrals shall be specific, thorough, and complete. 14. For events that do not fall into the disciplinary category, student related issues must be completed in detail with specifics. (Bloody noses, seizures, a student falling down, etc.). The student related issue shall be submitted and the Transportation Security Supervisor shall be notified OR, if unavailable, notify the supervisor on duty. Incidents not observed by a driver (reports given by a student about another student’s inappropriate behavi or) must be recorded in the Bus Conduct Program. 15. When it is necessary to write a student a referral, including a referral for damage to a bus, the driver shall fill out the form completely and submit it on the Bus Conduct Program as soon as possible to be processed. 16. Employees are required to check the Bus Conduct Program to review completed referrals. If a student receives a bus suspension, it is the drivers’ responsibility to print a copy of the referral and hand to the student, notifying the student to deliver a copy to the parent/guardian. Drivers must check the Bus Conduct program daily after submitting a referral to ensure that referrals are delivered to the students in a timely manner. All referrals are also mailed to the home and to the school by the Transportation Security Supervisor. C. STUDENT BUS RULES 1. Authority of the driver: Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible directly to the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held
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