been resolved and fines paid when required. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

G. AUTHORIZED TRANSPORTATION 1. Only students enrolled in school and residing within the established bus pick-up boundaries are permitted to ride the Agency buses. 2. Exceptions to this are authorized Agency personnel and adults who are authorized by the district to act as chaperons on field trips. If you have any doubts as to the authorization of a passenger boarding the bus, Dispatch must be notified immediately by radio. 3. School District bus aides may be allowed to be transported on the bus using established bus stops, and with proper approval. H. CHILD ABUSE Child abuse is legally defined as any act of omission or commission which endangers or impairs a child's physical or emotional health and development. These acts may include the following: • Physical abuse and corporal punishment resulting in an injury • Emotional abuse • Emotional deprivation • Physical neglect and/or inadequate supervision • Sexual abuse and exploitation Physical abuse: a. Bruises, burns, abrasions, lacerations or swelling caused by other than accidental means. b. Belt buckle marks, handprints, bite and pinch marks. c. A history of recurring injuries. d. Unexplained injuries or conflicting explanations on reasons of injury. e. Very young child with injuries on the back of body from the neck to the knees. Emotional Deprivation: a. Child refuses to eat adequate amounts of food and thus is very frail. b. Displays overly exaggerated fears. c. Continually seeks out and "pesters" other adults (such as teachers, neighbors, etc.) for attention and affection. Appears normal but is unable to perform normally learned functions for a given age, e.g. walking, talking, etc. Physical Neglect: a. Unsanitary conditions in the home (garbage; animal or human excretion). b. Spoiled food in the refrigerator or cupboard or no food at all. c. Untreated injuries which endanger the health of the child. d. Unsafe home conditions and unsupervised young children left for long periods of time. 1. WARNING SIGNS - Below are some signs of child abuse to help recognize an existing or potential problem of abuse:

Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: a. Child makes statement about sexual activities with parents, other relatives, and

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