Get The Facts - Electro-Pollution
If wireless radiation is so safe, why won’t major insurers cover it in their policies?
Lloyds of London and other major insurers explicitly exclude coverage for any claims for Wi-Fi related illness ( Principia Scientific International , Feb 12, 2019). Lloyd’s internal Risk Assessment Team compares wireless technologies with asbestos (Emphasis mine) in that the early research on asbestos was “inconclusive” and only later was it conclusively shown that asbestos causes cancer.
Or at least we think so since it represents an overlap of an entirely new, never-before-tested , beam forming millimeter wave technology overlain onto the current 4G network. Graphically, it looks like this with the wide blue lines representing our omnipresent 4G signal and the red beam representing the 5G signal that operates in tandem whenever a 5G phone calls for a signal:
The roll-out of 5G will be particularly insidious and potentially harmful to human health. The technology is based on much shorter wavelengths of microwave technology that have never been tested on humans before. These waves are pulsed, travel only short distances, are much more directional, and more easily obstructed by buildings and trees and even rain and fog. They therefore require the installation of a vastly greater number of transmitting devices installed much closer to our homes to function properly.
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