Get The Facts - Electro-Pollution
As Facebook points out in its current multi-media marketing campaign urging an update to Internet regulations, “A lot has changed in the last 25 years.” The ad I link to—along with the many produced for this campaign—provides startling visual chronological evidence of how much more electro-polluted our environment is today than back in 1996 . It makes a compelling case for why humans are more vulnerable than ever to electro-pollution and gives credibility to the idea that our epidemic of chronic “lifestyle” diseases is due to the dramatic increase in electromagnetic radiation, and begs for greater public awareness and updated safety guidelines. After decades of research, we know much more exactly how electro-pollution induces biological stress on the body and in so doing, compromises normal physiology and intercellular communications. For the geeks among us, Dr. Martin Pall digs deep into the science in his ground-breaking research work and Dr. Neil Nathan offers various protocols for diagnosing and treating those with chronic toxicity or sensitivity triggered by environmental factors like electro pollution. Specifically, research shows that when the body is exposed to electromagnetic fields—especially over prolonged periods of time—cell function deteriorates, blood brain barriers are compromised, cell membranes harden, free radical damage occurs, nutrients cannot enter the cell and toxins cannot be excreted. Moreover, emerging science shows that the most damaging electromagnetic fields are not necessarily those with the greatest power and frequency, but instead are the information carrying microwaves that use various frequencies to convey various types of specific information, e.g. voice, text, graphics, etc. and which we generally recognize as ‘wireless’. These frequencies never existed before in nature and hence the body views these unknown frequencies as ‘foreign invaders’ causing our cells to go into protective lockdown mode. This explains why even small doses of low-power frequencies (especially if incurred over sustained periods without breaks) can cause great biological harm in some individuals. Several studies have shown the harmful effects electromagnetic radiation has on the immune and nervous system, on learning, and on moods and behavioral patterns. Numerous more show that electromagnetic radiation affects both sperm health and prenatal fetal health. I remind readers of a terrific pamphlet available from that discusses the latter. EFFECTS OF ELECTRO-POLLUTION
All these effects are not surprising when one realizes that the human body uses electric currents to regulate itself. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain, making it possible for us to move, think and feel. In order for the heart to pump, cells must generate electrical currents that allow the heart muscle to contract at the right
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