CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024

25.0.11 The rules, regulations and policies for all employees, students and the public, subject only to clear and explicit limitations contained in this Agreement.

25.0.12 The termination or layoff of employees as the result of the exercise of any of the rights enumerated above or as a result of the exercise of any of the rights of the agency not limited by the clear and explicit language of this Agreement. 25.1 In addition to its statutory reserved rights the Agency also retains within its sole discretion all rights and powers not expressly limited by the clear and explicit language of this Agreement, including but not limited to the exclusive right and power to determine, implement, supplement, change, modify or discontinue, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently any of the following:

25.1.1 The rates of pay for any new classifications implemented during the term of this Agreement;

25.1.2 Security and safety measures and rules for employees;

25.1.3 The transfer of employees Agency-wide;

25.1.4 Staffing patterns;

5.1.5 The administration of all employee health and benefit plans, and the manner and method of funding such plans;

25.1.6 When overtime shall be worked and whether to require employees to work overtime.

25.2 All other rights of management not expressly limited by the language of this Agreement are also expressly reserved to the Agency even though not enumerated above, and the express provisions of this Agreement constitute the only contractual limitations upon the Agency's rights. The exercise of any right reserved to the Agency herein in a particular manner, or the non-exercise of any such right shall not be deemed a waiver of the Agency's right or preclude the Agency from exercising the right in a different manner. 25.3 Any dispute arising out of or in any way connected with either the existence of or the exercise of any of the rights of the Agency set forth herein above, or any other rights of the Agency not expressly limited by the clear and explicit language of this Agreement, or arising out of or in any way connected with the effects of the exercise of any such rights, is not subject to the grievance provisions set forth in Article XX. 25.4 The Agency retains its right to amend, notify or rescind policies and practices referred to in this Agreement in case of emergency. The determination of whether or not an emergency exists is solely within the discretion of the Agency and is expressly excluded from the grievance provisions set forth in the Article XX “Grievance Procedure” .


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