CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024



22.0 The Agency and the Association recognize the rights of the employees to form, join, and participate in activities of employee organizations and the rights of employees to refuse to form, join, and participate in such activities. 22.1 The Agency and the Association further agree that rules regarding membership in the Association are entirely the matter of the Association, and that the following provisions for payroll dues deductions are a service of the Agency to Association members and do not constitute a part of the membership provisions of the Association. 22.2 Any unit member who is a member of the Association or who has applied for membership may sign and deliver to the Agency, through the Association, a revocable monthly payroll deduction assignment form authorizing deduction of Association unified membership dues in the amount authorized by the unit member. Such written authorization for deduction or change in the amount of deduction must be received by the Agency before the tenth (10 th ) day of the current month in order to take effect during the current pay period. Any revocation of a written authorization shall be in writing and shall be effective commencing with the next pay period. 22.3 On the written authorization of any unit member the Agency shall, on a monthly basis, draw its order upon the funds of the Agency in favor of the Association for an amount equal to the total of the dues deductions made during the month and shall furnish to the Association a list of all unit members affected, together with the amount deducted for each. 22.4 Upon appropriate authorization from the unit members the Agency shall deduct from the salary of any unit member and make appropriate remittance for credit union, savings bonds, charitable donations, or any other plans or programs approved by the Agency. 22.5 The recognized employee organization shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any reasonable legal fees, legal costs, and settlement or judgment liability arising from any court or administrative action relating to the employer’s complianc e with this section. The recognized employee organization shall have the exclusive right to determine whether any such action or proceeding shall or shall not be compromised, resisted, defended, tried, or appealed. This indemnification and hold harmless duty shall not apply to actions related to compliance with this section brought by the exclusive representative of AVSTA employees against the employer. Any clerical errors will be corrected by the party making the error, with the provision that if any agency fees are deducted from the pay of any employee and remitted to the Association, and the employee does not owe the same, the Association shall refund the same to the unit member and the Agency shall not be liable for any refund. 22.6.1 The recognized employee organization shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any reasonable legal fees, legal costs, and settlement or judgment liability arising from any court or administrative action relating to the employer’s compliance with this section. The recognized employee organization shall have the exclusive right to determine whether any such action or proceeding shall or shall not be compromised, resisted, defended, tried or appealed. This indemnification and hold harmless duty shall not apply to actions related to compliance with this section brought by the exclusive representative of AVSTA employees against the employer. Any clerical errors will be corrected by the party making the error, with the provision that if any agency fees are deducted from the pay of any employee and remitted to the Association, and the employee does not owe the same, the Association shall refund the same to the unit member and the Agency shall not be liable for any refund. 22.6.2 In accordance with Government Code section 3508.5(c) agency fee obligations, including, but not limited to, dues or agency fee deductions on behalf of a recognized employee organization, shall continue in effect as long as the employee organization is the recognized bargaining representative, notwithstanding the expiration of any agreement between the public employer and 22.6 Hold Harmless Clause:


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