CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024
20.0 Procedures for Inquiry:
20.0.1 California School Employee Association recognized Chapter 652 Job Stewards (a maximum of nine (9) shall have the right to search for information relating to employer/employee relations necessary to fulfill their obligation of representation. This shall include access to all data pertaining to each situation. The Job Stewards shall relate the need for this information to the department head or their designee.
20.0.1.a. No name or grievant shall be necessary at this step of the inquiry.
20.0.1.b. THE ASSOCIATION Job Stewards shall state in writing what contract section(s) is believed to have been violated, the approximate date(s) of the violation(s), the date of discovery, and state what type of contract violation they are inquiring information for and request the information needed in writing. 20.0.1.c The time lines in Article shall be extended by fifteen (15) days if the inquiry is requested in writing within the time period stated in Article THE ASSOCIATION Job Steward shall notify the Agency of the findings of the inquiry and the possible processing or not of pending grievance and THE ASSOCIATION shall suggest a resolution. 20.0.1.d California School Employee Association and Agency shall both work to expedite the process. The Agency will respond in writing to the inquiry for information within two (2) business days. Extensions can be mutually agreed to.
Definitions for this article are as follows:
20.1.1 A "grievance" is an allegation by a unit member(s) that the Agency has violated an express provision of this agreement and that by reason of such violation, the unit member's(s') rights have been adversely affected.
20.1.2 A "grievant" is an Agency employee in the unit covered by this agreement who files a grievance or the Association on behalf of the bargaining unit.
20.1.3 A "day" is any weekday in which unit members are required to render service to the Agency.
20.1.4 The "immediate supervisor" is the first-level administrator having immediate jurisdiction over the grievant.
20.1.5 An "Agency grievance form" shall mean an Agency-provided form completed in writing. The Agency and THE ASSOCIATION President or designee shall meet and discuss any substantive revisions to the Grievance form prior to the revised form being utilized by the parties.
General Provisions.
20.2.1 The purpose of the procedure is to attempt to secure, at the level of the immediate supervisor, solutions to alleged violations of the specific provisions of the agreement. This grievance procedure shall not be construed by either party to allow for class action grievances. 20.2.2 Most grievances arise from misunderstandings or disputes which can be settled promptly and satisfactorily on an informal basis at the immediate supervisor level. The Agency and the Association representatives agree that every effort will be made by the Agency and the aggrieved party to settle grievances at the lowest possible level.
20.2.3 All documents dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the
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