CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024
Reemployment Rights of Employees:
18.6.1 Classified employees who are laid off are eligible for reemployment for a period of thirty-nine (39) months and shall be reemployed in preference to new applicants. In addition, such employees laid off have the right to participate in promotional examinations to which they can qualify within the Agency during the period of thirty-nine (39) months.
18.6.2 A reemployment list for each classification subject to layoff will be established and maintained for at least thirty-nine (39) months, or until exhausted, whichever is sooner.
18.6.3 The names of employees who are laid off will be placed on the reemployment list in accordance with length of service in the class, plus higher classes. Reemployment shall be in the reverse order of layoff. 18.6.4 Persons on layoff reemployment lists will be reemployed over all other candidates for a position vacancy, except for reemployment lists established in accordance with the provisions of Education Code 45192 (industrial accident or illness leave) and Education Code 45195 (nonindustrial accident or illness leave) (after the layoff was effected). 18.6.5 When reemployment lists are in effect, in accordance with Education Code 45192 and 45195, and persons thereon have served in the class experiencing layoff, they will be placed on the layoff reemployment list according to seniority as if they had been in active service at the time the layoff was effected. 18.7.1 Any employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified, in writing, by the Agency of an opening. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address on file in the Human Resources Department. 18.7.2 An employee shall notify the Agency, in writing, of his/her intent to accept or refuse reemployment within five (5) working days following receipt of the reemployment notice. Receipt of notice shall be construed to mean a dated, certified letter was mailed to the employee's last known residential address as listed with the Human Resources Department. 18.7.3 When a vacancy occurs in a class for which a layoff reemployment list has been established, the senior employee will be notified and given an opportunity to accept the vacancy. If an employee on a reemployment list refuses the offer of employment, no additional offers will be made, and his/her name removed from the reemployment list. The offer will then be made to the next person on the list. An employee who accepts reemployment must be available to begin reemployment at the Agency within ten (10) workdays. 18.7.4 Employees who take voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time in lieu of layoff or are to remain in their present positions rather than be reclassified or reassigned, shall be granted the same rights as persons laid off and shall retain eligibility to be considered for reemployment for an additional period of up to twenty-four (24) months. This is in addition to the thirty-nine (39) months, equaling a reemployment list of sixty-three (63) months. 18.7.5 Employees who take voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time in lieu of layoff shall be returned to their former classification or position with increased assigned time as vacancies become available, and without limitation of time, but if there is a valid reemployment list they shall be ranked on that list in accordance with their proper seniority. 18.7.6 An employee who has been laid off for lack of work or lack of funds, and who is on a layoff reemployment list, may be employed as a substitute or limited term employee in his/her original classification or any other classification for which he/she is qualified, and such employment shall in no manner jeopardize or otherwise affect his/her status or eligibility for reemployment. Persons on a reemployment list employed as a substitute or in a limited term position do not accrue seniority. Reemployment:
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