CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024
2.0 Accumulated Sick Leave: Amount of earned but unused sick leave that a unit member has carried over from a previous school year.
2.1 Bargaining Unit Seniority: All hours in paid status, excluding overtime, in class or higher classes or higher classes with the Agency.
2.2 Bumping Right: The right of an employee, under certain conditions as described in Article XVIII, to displace an employee with less seniority in a class.
2.3 Class: Any group of positions sufficiently similar in duties, responsibilities and authority that the same job title, minimum qualifications, and salary range are appropriate for all positions in a class.
2.4 Classification: The act of placing in a class and shall be construed to mean that each position in the unit shall have a designated title, a regular minimum number of assigned hours per day, days per week, and months per year, a statement of the specific duties required to be performed in each such position and the regular monthly salary range for each such position.
2.5 Contracted Route: A route that has guaranteed hours and that has a starting and ending date.
2.6 Day: Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a "day" is defined as a day the Agency is open for business.
2.7 Differential: A salary allowance in addition to the basic rate or schedule based upon additional skills, responsibilities, hours of employment, or distasteful or hazardous work.
Guarantee Time: Right of employee to work up to contracted route time.
Hire Date Seniority: Secured by hours in paid status in the Agency.
2.10 Industrial Accident or Illness: An injury or illness arising out of or in the course of employment with the Agency.
2.11 Longevity Seniority: The accumulation of years of service earned by unit members from employment in the participating district and the Agency.
2.12 Permanent Employee: Classified unit members who have passed their probationary period.
2.13 Probationary Period: The probationary period of all unit members shall not exceed six (6) months or 130 days of paid service, whichever is longer.
2.14 Qualified Bus Driver: To be eligible to bid, a driver must have a license and appropriate credentials; the driver must meet state and federal requirements for California school bus drivers and must be proficient on all equipment/vehicles utilized by the Agency to transport students.
2.15 Reclassification: The upgrading of a position to a higher class as a result of the increase of the duties and/or responsibilities being performed by the incumbent in such position.
2.16 Reemployment List: A list of names of persons who have been laid off for lack of work or lack of funds, or exhaustion of sick leave, industrial accident or illness or other leave privileges, and who are eligible for reemployment without examination in their former class for a period of thirty-nine (39) months, said list arranged in order of their right to reemployment.
Route Time : Actual time spent on the route; also, previously referred to as “packet time.”
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