CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024 When a unit member is absent and eligible for industrial accident or illness leave, his/her absence for purposes of accumulated sick leave and one hundred (100) days of fifty percent (50%) pay shall be deemed to commence on that date of termination of the industrial accident to illness leave, provided that if the unit member continue to receive temporary disability indemnity, the unit member may elect to take as much of his/her accumulated sick leave which, when added to the temporary disability indemnity, will result in a payment of not more than his/her full salary. 12.2.6 A permanent unit member who has exhausted all entitlement to sick leave, extended leave, vacation, compensatory overtime, or other available paid leave, and who is absent because of non industrial accident or illness, may be granted, at the Agency's discretion, additional leave, paid or unpaid, not to exceed six (6) months. The unit member shall be notified, in writing, that all available paid leave has been exhausted, and shall be offered an opportunity to request additional leave. The Board may renew any leave of absences, paid or unpaid, for two additional six (6) month periods, or lesser leave periods that it may provide, but not to exceed a total of eighteen (18) months. An employee, who is able to resume the essential duties of a position within the classification to which he/she was assigned, may do so at any time during the leaves of absence granted under 12.2.6 and time lost shall not be considered a break in service. The unit member shall be restored to a position within the classification to which he/she was assigned and, if at all possible, to his/her position with all the rights, benefits and burdens of a permanent employee. If at the conclusion of all leaves of absence, paid or unpaid, the unit member is still unable to assume the duties of his/her position, without restriction, the unit member shall be placed on a re-employment list for a period of 39 months. At any time during the prescribed 39 months, the unit member is medically able to assume the essential duties of his/her position, the unit member shall be re-employed in the first vacancy in the classification of his/her previous assignment. The unit member's re employment shall take preference over all other applicants except for those laid off for lack of work or funds in which case the unit member shall be ranked according to his/her 12.2.7 When a unit member first calls in to report an injury/illness, and at any time during the course of a sick leave or injury absence, and upon the unit member's return from an absence, the unit member shall be required to supply such information as may be requested by the Agency regarding the nature of illness or injury, anticipated length of absence, nature of medical treatment, name and address of attending physician(s), date and time of medical appointment(s), and the place and phone number where the unit member may be reached and other related information. 12.2.8 After three (3) work consecutive day’s absence due to illness, an attending physician's verification of illness shall be required, relevant to any request for sick leave absence pay. Periodic medical reports may be required during extended absence of a unit member. Unit members returning to work from illness absence involving surgery, serious illness or extended absence shall be required to present a doctor's release verifying medical permission to return to work, including any restrictions. A unit member who fails to provide the required medical verification of illness, medical disability, or injury as stated shall be placed in an unpaid status until such verification is received by the Agency. 12.2.9 Members of the unit shall be required to submit to medical examination(s) by physician(s), at the Agency's expense, at the discretion of the Agency. The appointed physician(s) will come from a mutually agreed upon list, attached as addendum to the collective bargaining agreement. proper seniority. Upon resumption of his/her duties, the break in service will be disregarded and the employee shall be fully restored as a permanent employee. Any unit member who has been placed on a re-employment list who has been medically released for return-to-duty and who fails to accept an appropriate assignment shall be dismissed.


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