CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024

For all other requests, the supervisor shall respond in writing to the vacation request within three (3) work days.

11.1.3 If a vacation request is denied, the denial shall include the reason for the denial. Employees may then submit a subsequent vacation request for other available dates.

11.2 The Agency will notify unit members of their vacation balances yearly. Unit members will have the option to request the Agency to payout any unused vacation. Unit members shall have the option to carry over earned, but unused, vacation. A request for such carry over must be submitted at least one (1) month in advance. Employees may not accumulate and/or carryover more than two (2) years worth of earned but unused, vacation on any given date. Unit members who resign or retire shall have the option to use their accumulated vacation prior to termination date or be paid for accumulated vacation. Unit members who are terminated from their employment will be paid for their accumulated vacation. 11.3 Upon separation from service, the unit member shall be entitled to "lump-sum" compensation for all earned and unused vacation, except those unit members who have not completed six (6) months of employment in regular status shall not be entitled to such compensation. 11.4 An employee in the bargaining unit shall be permitted to interrupt or terminate vacation leave in order to begin another type of paid leave provided by this agreement without a return to active service, provided the employee supplies notice and supporting information regarding the basis for such interruption.

11.5 When a holiday falls during the scheduled vacation of any bargaining unit member, such holiday shall not be counted as a vacation day


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