CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024



10.0 The Agency agrees to provide all employees in the bargaining unit with sixteen legal and local holidays as indicated:

New Year's Day

Labor Day

Martin Luther King Day

Veteran's Day

President’s Day Memorial Day

Thanksgiving Day

Day after Thanksgiving Winter Break - 5 days


Independence Day

Day before New Year’s Day

Actual holidays will be published and given to all unit members as soon as the calendar is developed by the calendar committee.

A calendar committee shall be formed with three (3) Agency members and three (3) association members, appointed by THE ASSOCIATION Chapter President, to discuss and set up a dated calendar for each year.

Employees must be in paid status during any portion of the working day, if it is a normal workday for that employee, immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday, in order to be paid for the holiday.


Additional Holidays:

10.1.1 Every day declared by the President or Governor of this State as a public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday, or any day declared a holiday for classified employees by the Board of Directors shall be a holiday for all employees in the bargaining unit.


Holidays on Saturday or Sunday:

10.2.1 When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding workday not a holiday shall be deemed to be that holiday. Except as provided in Section 10.2, when a holiday falls on Sunday, the following workday not a holiday shall be deemed to be that holiday.

10.2.2 The operation of this section shall not cause any employees to lose any of the holidays clearly indicated in this Article.


Workday During Inclement Weather:

10.3.1 In the event it is necessary to close schools due to inclement weather, the Chief Executive Officer may elect to institute one of the following provisions regarding work schedules of unit members: Any day all schools served by the Agency are closed due to inclement weather shall be declared a local holiday for all members of the bargaining unit. In the event schools are open, but unit members in outlying areas are not able to report to work due to adverse road conditions caused by inclement weather, those unit members must notify the Agency of their situation and may elect to use a vacation or a personal necessity day or to take a dock in pay. When it is determined that a school will be closed due to inclement weather, as

announced by the Chief Executive Officer, affected unit members will be excused from work without a dock in pay for the time released. Unit members will be advised of changes in regular work schedules via AVSTA website, local radio stations and Antelope Valley TV-Channel 3. No notification will mean work as usual. unit member called to work during the period of time when all unit members have been excused from work shall be compensated at the


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