CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024
4.3.1 First: cover drivers/cover aides; Second: Drivers/bus aides who have the most make-up time; Third: Drivers/bus aides with time to give up to 8 hours, Fourth: Drivers/bus aides off the overtime rotation list.
Unless mutually agreed upon, drivers qualified in both departments shall be subjected to assignment outside of their contracted department, a maximum of five (5) days per month.
4.4 Route Planning: The Association and the Agency agree to try to meet an objective of maximum hours to drivers with a minimum cost to the districts.
4.4.1 To obtain this objective, The Association shall appoint a planning committee to work with the Agency for the purpose of planning routes.
4.4.2 This Route Committee shall meet in July with the Agency to review the surveys, possible changes to routes, and to give input to try to meet the objectives.
4.4.3 This committee shall meet a minimum of two (2) weeks before the Main Bid to address the issues and schedule any additional meetings to help with routes for the bid. Should a school district not submit its routes timely, the committee shall meet as soon as reasonably possible.
4.4.4 Drivers must be qualified on the bus assigned to a route. If the driver is not proficient, the Agency shall provide priority proficiency training.
After the Main Bid, the Agency may immediately assign unbid routes.
Every reasonable attempt will be made to leave the same bus on the same route.
4.5 Any regular route that is not on the bid board on the day of the bid shall be offered to the senior driver(s) not to exceed eight (8) hours.
4.6 Mid-day routes that do not continue from or continue into the next run shall be paid a minimum of one (1) hour. Mid- day routes that are permanently assigned will be assigned based on drivers’/bu s aides ’ availability, first to those who have the most make-up time and then based on seniority with time to give not to exceed eight (8) hours. 4.7 During traditional school year, all drivers, including cover drivers, and all bus aides, including cover bus aides shall have no less than a 5.20 hour guarantee. During summer school, all drivers, including cover drivers, and all bus aides, including cover bus aides, shall have no less than a 4.0 hour guarantee. Cover drivers/bus aides will be assigned routes on rotation based on seniority (from least senior to most senior). Once assigned a route, a cover driver/bus aide will maintain his/her assignment for the duration of the absence of the regular driver. 4.8 When regular route vacancies occur during the year and the Agency determines that a vacant route is available, a bid process will be offered for drivers/bus aides on a voluntary basis to select an open assignment. Vacant routes will be at the Agency for a period of five (5) work days. If the absent unit member returns prior to the bid occurring for his/her route, the unit member will be entitled to keep his/her route and the bid process will be cancelled. The notification will contain pertinent information on the route including guaranteed time, bid close out date and time, and the effective date of implementing the assignment. At Agency discretion, the guaranteed time may increase up to a maximum of eight (8) hours throughout the school year with prior notification to employees. Implementation shall be no later than three (3) calendar days after the bid. Interested drivers/bus aides shall arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. on the close out date for bidding. 4.9 Except for bereavement, vacation, personal necessity for less than five (5) days, family care and medical leave, jury duty leaves, and absences due to a subpoena in a matter in which the driver/bus aide is not a party, drivers/bus aides on any leave must submit proof they are able to return to work without restriction on bid date. Proof must be submitted, at least, three (3) calendar days prior to bid date. Failure to provide such
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