CSEA CONTRACT 2023-2024 - ADOPTED 7-17-2024

time will be allowed, unless the overtime worked by the unit employee was “suffered” or “permitted” to work by the supervisor in accordance with the Fair Labor Standard Act.

3.10.3 Compensatory time not taken within the specified time limit shall be paid at the rate which it was earned.

3.11 Call-In/Call-Back Time: Any employee called in or back to work before the first a.m. or after last p.m. assigned time shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours of pay at the appropriate rate. Such required work time shall not be used by the Agency to shorten the employee's regular work day. Shall include all bus drivers and comply with the provisions in “Extra Hours” and “Overtime”.

3.12 Work Year: The work year for the following classified positions will be: two (2) dispatchers at twelve (12) months, two (2) dispatchers at eleven (11) months, and one (1) Field Trip Clerk at twelve (12) months.


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