AVSTA CSEA-CONTRACT-April 12, 2023 Such other reason not described above and approved by the immediate supervisor.
12.4.2 Unit members should request and secure approval from Agency supervisor for personal necessity leave prior to absence. If, due to the circumstances, prior request and approval is not possible, upon return from a personal necessity leave, unit members shall be required to request the leave in writing and by submitting such verification as may be required. Unit members shall be denied paid personal necessity benefits for absences for purposes other than those defined above and/or for failure to comply with the absence verification requirements of the Agency.
12.4.3 Authorized use of personal necessity leave does not include participation in employee work stoppage, or employee Association activities.
Bereavement Leave:
12.5.1 Each unit member is entitled to three (3) days leave-of-absence with pay (or (5) five days out of state travel if two hundred (200) miles or more one-way travel is required) in the event of the death of any member of his/her immediate family. Immediate family is defined as (as presented in the chart below)
Employee’s Spouse
Spouse Mother Father
Mother Father
Grandmother Grandfather
Grandmother Grandfather
Son-in-Law Daughter
Son-in-Law Daughter
Legal Domestic Partner
Legal Guardian Foster Child Aunt Uncle Nephew Niece Step Relative: 1 degree of
blood relations (step parent, step sibling, step child) Any relative living in the immediate household of the employee
Any relative living in the immediate household of the employee
12.5.2 With the authorization of the Chief Executive Officer, or Designee, each unit member entitled to bereavement leave may extend their leave of absence to five (5) days with pay or seven (7) days out of state travel or if two hundred (200) miles or more one-way travel is required). The additional days will not be deducted from a unit member’s personnel necessity days.
12.5.3 Member of the unit may be required to provide proof of eligibility for bereavement leave benefits.
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