4.0 Seniority Lists and Bidding: Drivers and bus aides shall have their own, separate, seniority lists. Seniority for bidding bus routes and bus aide routes shall be based on hours in paid status in the respective classification. Drivers shall bid first, followed by bus aides. Any unit member intending to change classification to driver or bus aide shall submit a request, in writing, to the Agency CEO, or designee, for approval. A unit member shall be placed at the bottom of seniority list for bidding on a classification they have never held previously. Upon approval, an intent to bid shall be submitted to the Agency, five (5) days prior to the bid. Seniority lists shall be posted 48 hours prior to commencement of bid. All challenges/disputes shall be submitted, in writing, to the CEO no later than 24 hours prior to bid. Chapter President, or designee, shall be notified when challenges/disputes are being resolved prior to the commencement of bid. Seniority lists are final and cannot be changed during the bidding process once the bidding begins for bus routes. 4.1 Bus Routes: Daily bus routes shall be assigned by bargaining unit seniority using the bidding process. The driver with the greatest bargaining unit seniority who is qualified shall select his/her route first and the process shall proceed in descending order until all routes are taken. The bus aide with the greatest amount of seniority who is qualified shall select his/her route first and the process shall proceed in descending order until all routes are taken. 4.2 There will be a Bid for bus routes prior to the beginning of each school year. The contracts will be for 12 months and will include summer session routes. Routes bid will last the entire traditional school year. Health and welfare benefits will be based on the contracted hours in effect after the Bid. All currently employed bus drivers who are certified on Type 1 bus shall maintain Type 1 bus certification to remain eligible for employment. All newly hired bus drivers shall be Type 1 certified. 4.2.2 The bid board shall be made available for review no later than 8:00 a.m. of the workday prior to the bid day. It is understood that changes may be made to the bid board after it has been made available for review. Bidding shall not occur prior to 7:00 a.m. on the bid day. A bidder will be scheduled by seniority in five (5) minute intervals. If a driver/bus aide does not bid within five (5) minutes of his/her scheduled bid time, the next driver/bus aide may proceed to bid the remaining routes. Drivers/Bus Aides unable to attend the bids may authorize an employee to bid on his/her behalf. The proxy statement shall be in writing, and approved by the employee's supervisor, prior to the bid. The bid process shall proceed until there is a driver out driving, or due to go out in ten (10) minutes. If possible, mid-days shall be covered or switched with another mid-day. 4.2.3 Bid contracts shall state that there will be one starting and one ending date. These dates shall be established by the calendar committee. Routes may have increasing or decreasing times, which will be identified on the Bid contract. The Bid contract shall also state that the routes may increase up to a maximum of eight (8) hours throughout the traditional school year. 4.2.4 In the event a Driver/Bus Aide completes their route prior to their guaranteed contracted route time, and the Agency verifies there is no driving or driving related duties to perform, the Driver/Bus Aide may clock out without pay or may utilize vacation time to make up the difference in hours and not perform other duties as assigned. If the Driver/Bus Aide decides to leave it shall not be counted as an absence. If the Agency requests the Driver/Bus Aide to remain on-site and available for driver or driving related duties for the remainder of their guaranteed contract time, they shall be paid for the full time. 4.3 All drivers must be qualified in both departments and may bid on special needs or transit routes. Drivers shall be required to work in the special education or regular education department to meet the needs of the Agency and that department on any day. The following order will be utilized by the Agency in the assignment of drivers/aides to routes: 4.2.1 The Agency shall notify all drivers/bus aides of the bid days and times at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the day of the Bid.


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