Revise section, Standby Time, as follows:, Standby Time: On call mechanics shall receive compensation for a minimum of half of the hours on standby. lf mechanic is called in to work while on standby, the mechanic will receive compensation for time actually spent working if such work time exceeds half of the hours on standby. Standby time will be compensated at overtime rate, plus any hours that exceed the initial standby hours. Standby shifts shall be limited to eight (8) hours. On call mechanics shall receive written notice stipulating start and end time of standby. Mechanics shall be offered standby work from the seniority rotation list. lf no mechanic accepts standby work, an on call mechanic will be assigned from the seniority rotation list starting at the lease senior employee who has not been assigned standby time, until all eligible mechanics on the seniority list have been assigned standbytime. Lead Mechanics, Mechanic ll's, and Mechanic lll's shall be eligible for standby time. of On Call Status: lf the on call hours are cancelled the day before the on call shift, the on call mechanic will remain at the top of the on call rotation list. lf the on call hours are cancelled the day of the on call shift, but before the mechanic's shift begins, the on call mechanic shall receive two (2) hours of overtime. 4.2.3 Bid contracts shall state that there will be one starting and one ending date. These dates shall be established by the calendar committee. Routes may have increasing or decreasing times, which will be identified on the Bid contract. The Bid contract shall also state that the routes may increase up to a maximum of ferty (40) minutes eight (8) hoursthroughoutthetraditionalschoolyear' ( l0) minutesr the assignment shall be effered in aeeerdaneewith extra heurs, 4.8 When regular route vacancies occur during the year and the Agency determines that a vacant route is available, a bid process will be offered for drivers/bus aides on a voluntary basis to select an open assignment. Vacant routes will be posted within ten (10) ealendar days after the vaeaney at eaeh bus evernight parking area at the Agency for a period of five (S) ealenda+ work days. lf the absent unit member returns prior to the bid occurring for his/her route, the unit member will be entitled to keep his/her route and the bid process will be cancelled. The notification will contain pertinent informationontherouteincludingguaranteedtime@bidclose out date and time, and the effective date of implementing the assignment. At Agency discretion, the guaranteed time may increase up to a maximum of ferty (40) minutes eight (8) hours throughout the school year with prior notification to employees. lmplementation shall be no later than three (3) calendar days after the bid. lnterested drivers/bus aides shall arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. on the close out date for bidding. ARTICLE IV. BUS ROUTES AND BIDDING


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