grievant may proceed to the next step.

20.2.13 The filing of a grievance shall in no way interfere with the right of the Agency to carry out its management responsibilities subject to the final decision of the grievance. In the event the alleged grievance involves an order, or other directive, the grievant shall fulfill or carry out such order, requirement, or other directive, pending the final decision of the grievance.

20.2.14 The Association may itself grieve those Articles subject to the grievance procedure of this Agreement.

20.2.15 A monetary award or settlement under these procedures shall be made by supplemental check or be included in the next regular monthly check. Informal Level : 20.3.1 Before filing a formal written grievance the unit member shall attempt to resolve the complaint by an informal conference with his/her immediate supervisor. The employee may be accompanied by an Association representative at this conference if the employee so desires. If the immediate supervisor does not provide a response within five (5) days after the meeting the Informal Level is terminated. Thereafter, the unit member may proceed to Level I of the grievance procedure.


Formal Level :


20.4.1 Level I:

Within fifteen (15) days after the occurrence of the act or omission giving rise to the grievance, or within fifteen (15) days of the time when the unit member, by reasonable diligence, should have known of the act or omission giving rise to the grievance, the grievant must file, on the appropriate grievance form, his/her formal grievance with the immediate supervisor. The statement shall be a clear, concise statement of the circumstances giving rise to the grievance; citation of specific article, section and paragraph of this agreement that is alleged to have been violated; the decision rendered at the informal conference; and the specific remedy sought.

The immediate supervisor, or designee, or the grievant may request a personal conference.

The immediate supervisor, or designee, shall communicate his/her decision to the grievant, in writing, within ten (10) days after receiving the grievance.

20.4.2 Level II:

If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Level I he/she may appeal the decision on the appropriate form to the CEO, or designee, within ten (10) days after the receipt of the decision. This statement shall include a copy of the original grievance and appeal, the decisions rendered, and a clear and concise statement of the reasons for the appeal.

A conference shall be held at the request of either the grievant, CEO, or designee.

The CEO, or designee, shall communicate his/her decision to the grievant, in writing, within ten (10) days after receiving the grievance. If the CEO, or designee, does not respond within the time limits provided the grievant may appeal to the next level.


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